He sat upon a pedastal, his crimson eyes surveying the crowd before him. group of 100,000 miscellaneous soldiers waited impatiently to begin to conquest. They were blood hungry, and wanted to feel the adrenaline that came when combat was involved.
Most were too dumb to realize that 1,000 drow sat in the shadows, listening and waiting intently, patiently. That was their nature, intense and deadly, yet ever patient. Their weapons were at their sides, and they listened for the words they knew would soon be spoken.
"Soon we shall begin our conquest, right now..we wait. We must be on the defensive. But rest assured, the Third Army shall soon charge forth, and we shall slay, conquer, rape, and smite.".
His voice had a certain lullying quality to it, and caused the beasts to calm down and listen as he spoke. They feared this man, they'd seen him lift a man without lifting a finger, and then proceed to disembowel him. Vidar was a rough leader, but a good one