Etsu perked her head up when she heard Eld's voice. She really hadn't noticed him come in. Oh well. It wasn't startling. In fact, it was kind of expected. At some point he was going to come bug her, especially considering what she was going over. Oh well. This was pretty much for him, anyways. He was allowed to bug her if she was doing something for him. Though, she really had no idea at this point why she was going out of her way for him right now. Maybe it had something to do with last night. With the way he talked to her when she was less offensive to him. Or maybe it was when he thanked her from the bottom of his heart.
Hai," she nodded her head. "I am not done, but . . ."
In fact, she was only half-way through the book so far. Granted, she was only reading the tops of each page, but it was pretty methodical work, especially since she was trying to make sense of what she was finding as she was finding it. That was probably the hardest part.
She wriggled and turned around in the chair until she was sitting with her chest pressed up against the back rest. Once there, Etsu reached back to take the paper she'd been jotting notes down on and handed it off to Eld.
"It is . . . ver-y odd," Etsu said as she handed it off.
Etsu's writing was fairly legible, but she kept notes in an eclectic way. All over the page, there were whole sentences written and scratched out, likely from times she was looking at the wrong words, and even in the large text she'd written in the center of the page, there were numerous scribbles and scrawls where she'd made mistakes and had no room to fix them. Eld would only have to decipher it for a moment to see exactly what she was writing:
This text is your first warning. You are curious. You think you need to know. But in your pursuit of knowledge, you will forget the consequences of your actions. If you open the grave of memories, there will be no turning back. You will dredge up conflicts best left unresolved. You push the world into Repeat, and by this you will perish. You will become a figment, and the world shall forget you. But if this was a fault not of your own—if the world has cycled into a Repeat by another’s hand—then attempt now to calm yourself and plan for your coming hardships.