by Nayt on Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:55 am
"I'll still do it, you know," Akizetsumei affirmed with a nod.
She set her arm by her side just then, though. It seemed that the only thing bridging the gap between their bodies was her hand, at this point-- flat on the ground and loose. Akizets let one of her legs dangle like Eld did, but still kept the other close to her chest.
Upon Eld's question, Akizets looked over to him with a tilt of her head. It took her a second before she remembered what she said about this place-- that she had heard about this place before she came up here.
"Oh, um," Akizets looked away and shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno. It was silly for me to come up. I mean, it was just 'cause Remmy told that-- oh, um-- right . . ."
Akizetsumei scratched the back of her head, nervous at first. She still kind of felt like she was intruding on Eld's sentimental territory or something.
"I ran into Remmy in town," she explained, energetic at first, but she slowly faded into normality, "He caught me when I was all bumming out and stuff. Um, we talked for a bit, and he told me about this place. He said that, um, I think he said that his best friend used to come here all the time, and Remmy stopped by here sometimes too, but-- um, he said that coming up here is like, um . . . I think he called it a "calculated risk," or something. He said that a lot of stuff happens up here, and there's some chance of it being good stuff and some chance of it being bad stuff. Like, um, I dunno-- like really major stuff, you know? That's how I think he meant it, at least . . ."
Akizets trailed off and set her chin against her knee again. Obviously she was hoping something life changingly good would happen by her coming up here, but so far so . . . moderate and uneventful.