by Zach Kaiser on Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:01 am
The rustle didn't last, and soon Akizetsumei fell soundly asleep against his side. Things were quiet, peaceful even. It made him drowsy. He yawned as quietly as he could, wondering if he should just give in and try and get comfortable enough to sleep.
And then the rustling returned. Returned, and intensified, and got closer. He followed the noise, hoping and praying it was some tiny creature bustling around. A squirrel, or a raccoon even. He could handle a raccoon.
When the wolf emerged from the tall grass, his heart leaped up to his throat. We're not prey, we're too big, not worth messing with. Wolves don't attack people, people are bigger, people are stronger, people often carry sharp things or big things or loud bang-y things and are to be avoided. It passed right in front of them, and though it couldn't have stared it at him for than a minute it felt like hours upon hours.
When the grass around them began to rustle, panic began to set in. "Akizetsumei! Akizetsumei, wake up!" he hissed in her ear, shaking her and putting his arm around her torso and under her own arm and lifting her to her feet. Cold sweat started to break out all over him, but he forced himself to focus.
Once she started to come around, but before she could entirely grasp the situation, he continued. "Just look at me, and listen, okay? Don't look away. I'm going to lift you up, and I want you to grab a branch and pull yourself up. Climb as high as you feel you can safely, okay?"
And then he hoisted her up by her waist--extremely easy to do, given how light she was. He didn't want to panic her, didn't want her to realize what was happening until she was safe, but nevertheless he hoped she'd follow his instructions quickly...