by Nayt on Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:04 am
Eld stared at her, and Etsu stared at him in return. He wasn't letting go, wasn't letting her up, and wasn't pulling away from her, either. He wasn't leaving her room to wriggle or squirm-- just . . . hanging over her. And a week ago, she would have thought this to be the most evil thing he could do. But now, she didn't know. Now, she wasn't even thinking about it.
Before Etsu knew it, her heart was beating a little harder than before. When had that started? Was it when she looked at his shoulders? Or when she started staring at his eyes? But then, when she looked at his lips, her heart beat even faster. Etsu's face fell expressionless; she returned to stoicism, and though she should have said something, she did nothing of the sort. But in the back of her mind somewhere, she was thinking it. There was still a logical sector back there that wasn't overdrawn by all the thoughts of a lost arranged marriage, starting over with the inability to disregard all her thoughts about married life, conflicting feelings about Eld, and recounted thoughts from before last night. Like when she started thinking things she'd been trying to avoid, always when she got close to him. Well now she was as close as ever, and now she couldn't get those off her mind.
Eld needed to let her go.
Under better circumstances, how would this have gone? At some point, perhaps when he pinned her, said, and did nothing more than that-- nothing more than watch her face and eyes --it must have stopped being a game. They'd stopped roughhousing and playing around. That's how it would've been under better circumstances. A scenario where Eld's parents told him the truth, that is. And then, after all this, with them both breathless and happy after exerting themselves so, he'd have leaned down and . . .
Etsu's cheeks began to flush red at the thought, and she again stared at his lips. She caught herself, looked at his eyes, and bit her lower lip. Still thinking about what if's, Etsu was lost again.
Eld needed to let her go before she made a huge mistake.