Kevin: Dyss was... Less than enthused at the idea of Izumi going out to spy on anyone who might be approaching. Particularly if he went with her. He was a liability, and she didn't need to be exposed to that sort of danger. The solution, though...
"I... Think maybe we should wait here. There's not much we could do, especially if we go out there. Or maybe, we could go somewhere there's a lot of people?"
Dyss wasn't so much concerned for his own safety as Izumi's, though he wasn't exactly eager to deal with someone who may very well want to kill him. And Izumi probably wasn't going to be willing to leave him, either...
Nayt: "A crowded place?" Izumi asked before glancing back into her room. "It's, um, it's way too early for anyone to be out. Merchants are probably still setting up right now . . ."
Meaning the market wasn't open, and after everything that happened with the last presence Dyss felt, there wasn't much of a market left for people to gather. With everything that was happening, there just weren't many ready and willing to leave their homes anymore. Fortunately--or unfortunately, perhaps--Dyss would still be able to feel the twinge in his spirit in the direction of this new presence--and it was approaching. Still distant, but entering town, at the very least, and in their direction . . .
Kevin: Dyss frowned, trying to think of another good place. After a moment, he found the answer among his memories, perhaps. The memories contained mixed feelings about a certain style of place, but there seemed to always be people there. For some, it had been a hellish place, and for others, a refuge, and right now... A refuge sounded good.
"What about a... Church?"
Especially after his naivete with some other pieces of life, it might seem strange that he even knew what a church was, but his halting statement would only make it even stranger.
Nayt: This was, indeed, especially strange to Izumi. Dyss never seemed like a church-going person, or a subscriber to any particular faith. Likewise, when he arrived here, he didn't even know how to eat, let alone mention something like that. A church . . . it didn't actually sound like that bad of an idea.
"S-sure, um . . . a church would work. There is one here, in town, a Lucienist Church. Ummm . . . how much time would we have? It's on the other side of town . . ."
Izumi needed to know if she should be getting dressed or just straight out leave in her pajamas--though, even that was a bit of a ruse for herself. Dyss panicking was making her panic, and if a person knew that impending doom was heading his/her way, he/she would want to know how long it was going to take to arrive . . .
Kevin: "I'm not sure... Whoever it is, they're close..."
Dyss had trouble judging distances, if only because he had nothing to compare to. The farthest distance he could accurately judge, after all, was from his head to his feet. He wasn't quite panicking, but he was definitely concerned... Very concerned. He hoped it was his friends, and it was, he didn't need to worry about anything any more, but if it wasn't...
Nayt: Close . . . well then, they didn't have any time at all, did they? If they were looking for Dyss (which was somewhat likely; the last one had been looking for him specifically, or someone like him--even at one juncture mentioning "Memoria," which though Izumi didn't recognize it, Dyss certainly had . . .), they couldn't stay here. Or could they? It didn't matter! Izumi was panicking even if Dyss wasn't, and she, herself, felt as if he was, spurring her to feel quite the sense of urgency.
"Okay," she declared with a gulp, "L-let's go . . ."
Izumi took Dyss's hand, and not bothering to dress in something other than her pajamas, started towards the door.
Kevin: Dyss wasn't really aware whether Izumi was ready to go or not, and in fact, still didn't really know what time it was, but it didn't matter much to him. He generally just slept in his normal clothes, because it was easier than finding his clothes again in the morning, or worse, requiring Izumi's help to do so. Plus, he could be sure his clothes were actually on the right way...
Dyss would follow along quickly, trying to somehow understand who this new person. He still didn't even understand the feeling, though...
Nayt: Once outside, Izumi quickly started towards the church, but she'd slow down once she realized that she was leading Dyss, and if she just darted off in one direction, he was going to wind up tripping, falling, and taking her with him. That was the last thing she needed. Instead, they would just walk briskly. It was the only option. If the presence was close, then Izumi and Dyss would just have to make good time. Unfortunately, the church wasn't quite on the opposite side of town that was favorable to them. Really, it was close to the presence itself--and it wouldn't be long before Izumi started to slow down.
Unable to see, Dyss wouldn't be able to understand why, not until she whispered to him, frantic, afraid--a fear Dyss might well remember, not from Izumi herself, but of other disjointed memories: the fear of death, the shocking, sobering terror the subdued any potential hysterics, "Is it . . . is it more than one--do you feel more than one?"
Kevin: "I... Don't think so..."
Dyss strained his other senses, trying to understand what Izumi saw, to feel what she felt. Hearing, perhaps, or smell, even... Something that would give him an idea. And now, perhaps she even saw, as they were close... There was no way he could know what it was, and yet, he was starting to feel afraid as well...
Nayt: "W-we---we--we're g-going to, um, take a different route, th-then . . ." Izumi whispered as she slowly started to the side of the road, into a space between homes--an alleyway.
Her heart was pounding like a bludgeon, her mind reeling; somehow, someway, she had refrained from panicking. Once they were in the privacy of the alleyway, she felt she could start walking quickly again--at least until they were far enough down it, when she stopped entirely to catch her breath.
"I-I saw . . . um, unh, I saw . . . they looked like travelers, and were wearing tarps all over and I couldn't see much, b-but . . . but how many foreigners come like that? Dressed strange like that . . .?" Izumi didn't know if that was the presence Dyss felt or not, but she had made an educated guess--and she was right.
Kevin: Dyss would eagerly travel with her, not knowing what to expect. He could feel the texture of the ground change, and hear the closer sounds bouncing off more narrow spaces between buildings, but he had no clue where the alley may turn or stop... And the tarp-bound travelers? More than one? His new sense apparently wasn't that good...
"How many of them were there?" It didn't make a difference in a fight, really. As they were... there was little Dyss could do to stop anyone from doing anything. But it would be good to know just how bad things were...
Nayt: "I think there were, um . . ." Izumi paused to think.
She didn't expect someone else to answer, though . . . "Four, roigh'? Go on, say it!"
The hair stood up on the back of Izumi's neck. She jumped and spun around, almost instinctively placing herself in front of Dyss--herself between Dyss and the direction of the voice which, oddly enough, was above them.
"Wh-who's there . . .?!"
"Excessive maneuvers are unnecessary. It only draws attention. Please get down from the roof," unlike the first speaker, a young man with a thick accent, this one--also a young man--seemed devoid of all emotion and tone, between a high and low pitch, permanent in nature. This one came from down the alley.
"Bugger off. It added a noice effect . . ." The first speaker replied.
Izumi squeezed Dyss's hand tightly and stepped back into him, every joint in her body trembling . . .
Kevin: Dyss would arc his head towards each voice reflexively, though it didn't really make much difference. Izumi moved between him and a voice, perhaps trying to protect, but against these people... Even if they had been the most normal of people, there was little they could do against them. Dyss would hold Izumi's hand tight as well, shifting her slightly to be in front of his arm rather than covering his body from whatever may come...
"Four... What do you want here? Why can't you leave us alone?" Dyss didn't know what the response might be, but he knew he would never see their death coming, if it came to it...
Nayt: "Leave you alone? Wot, you forgot already?" the first speaker declared with a scoff in his voice.
Izumi, trembling, clung to Dyss once he showed more strength than she could muster. She practically hugged onto him as if he were her only lifeline. As things had gone in their relationship, Izumi was Dyss's eyes, and Dyss was her emotional support, even if she wasn't just spilling out all her thoughts and feelings to him--just being with someone helped.
"Gentlemen, please calm down," a much more respectful voice, also male, spoke up from behind the second speaker, "He's right, we really don't need to be bringing attention to ourselves like this. We haven't even been here for a day yet."
A fourth and final speaker could then be heard, this one sounding feminine--very feminine. Male? Female? By voice alone, it sounded like the latter. "Yes--so, please, Recheov, get down from there . . ."
Kevin: Dyss shook his head slightly, listening to the exchange, feeling quickly sheepish, then overjoyed.
"You're here!" Dyss's body was quickly relaxed, and he only lightly held Izumi's hand, stepping forward beside her to see the others. At least, see in a metaphorical way. "I... Well, I didn't recognize you..."
Dyss didn't yet reveal how he was blind, but the way he held himself close to Izumi would be strange enough...
Nayt: "Oh! Sorry--Illorex wanted us to be incognito, so we picked up these tarps . . ." Milos trailed off.
There was a sudden waft of pressure and Izumi recoiled back, holding even tightly onto Dyss, regardless of how happy he seemed to be to see these people. It just wasn't every day she saw someone stand atop a two story building, then jump off and land in front of her--completely unscathed. Recheov didn't even seem to have a burning in his joints.
"It's foine, oI was just messin' with you, anyways," Recheov declared with snicker.
Izumi couldn't get the joy of the situation, though. It just wasn't rubbing off on her, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about that. She had no idea who these people were.
"Dyss, wh-what's . . . what's going on--who are these people . . .?"
Luckily, they were, in fact, the source of the sense Dyss was feeling.