There was nothing but the impenetrable darkness combined with the sensation of falling and the cold, a cold beyond that of the mortal senses one that touched the very soul itself. Time had lost meaning to Shin and as he fell seconds seemed like minutes and minutes seem like hours, but in truth Shin had lost all grasps on time. Ever since stepping foot into Oblivion his definition of time and men skewed and now it simply lost all meaning.
Falling allowed Shin to do only one thing, reflect on his past. The many many terrible things he had done came to recollection now; they had been forced to the forefront of his mind by the subconscious. It seemed for nothing now, all that time training was wasted and he had built a name for what… Shin had nothing to leave behind. No legacy, no children, nothing but corpses and name that would only be remembered as a blood thirsty killer. The Tenken. He had turned the name from one inspiring courage and honor to one of a brutal murder.
Shame and regret found their way into Shin and though it couldn’t be seen tears formed and drifted off into the darkness. Here was, to die in a hole…shot in the back and thrown in like some dog. Pride had no place in Shins next thoughts but if only he could have …
Despite the sheer gravity of the bottomless pit Shin had been thrown into it was shaken by the explosion and a light as bright as that of the sun exploded outwards and with only two ways to go it reached further down, it’s fingers still not touching the bottom. Yet, the hand that reached up would reach the top and though it might not have been visible from the city the area around the hole was bathed in a very bright and golden light, flooded with Chi and for a moment, Shin Shiden was everywhere.
[Undisclosed amount of time later]
Fingers gripped dirt and rock, like a feeble newborn they closed to make a fist then stretched out again. A single eye opened slowly, and as if seeing the world for the first time a blinding light flooded in. Shin laid still very several minutes, his eyes adjusting to the light, his muscles flexing as he worked each one separately.
With effort Shin pushed himself onto his elbows and looked around, hauntingly light grey eyes surveyed the very dull scene. The world looked like something out of a dream to Shin, no color, no people…nothing. He laid, as far as he could tell, in the middle of nothing.
“Where…where am I?” He asked himself with a voice that sounded as if he had been sleeping for far too long. Shin pushed himself into a sitting position and attempted to get his bearings, and then very thoughtfully looked up into the sky. “Did I hit the bottom?” He wondered aloud, feeling thoroughly lost and out of place.