by Mandaz on Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:59 pm
Type 3
1. Sex/Gender
2. Age
3. Height/Weight
4. Color of Hair/Eyes/Skin
5. Posture
6. Appearance (Good-looking, over/underweight, clean, neat, pleasant, untidy; shape of face/head/limbs)
7. Defects (deformities, abnormalities, birthmarks, diseases)
8. Heredity (inherited traits from character's family)
1. Social Class (lower, middle, upper)
2. Occupation (Type of work, hours of work, income, condition of work, union or non-union, attitude towards organization, suitability for work)
3. Education (amount, kind of schools, marks, favorite subjects, poorest subjects, aptitudes)
4. Home Life (Parents living, earning power, orphan, parents separated or divorced, parents' habits, parents' mental development, parents' vices, neglect, character's marital status)
5. Race
6. Religion and/or Nationality
7. Place in Community ('leader among friends', clubs, sports)
8. Political affiliations.
9. Amusements/Hobbies (books, newspapers, magazines he/she reads, etc.)
10. Time Period/Era (social structure and how it pertains to your character)
1. Moral Standards
2. Personal Premise/Ambition
3. Frustrations
4. Temperament (choleric, easygoing, pessimistic, optimistic, etc.)
5. Attitude toward Life (resigned, militant, defeatist, etc.)
6. Complexes (obesessions, inhibitions, superstitions, phobias, etc.)
7. Extrovert? Introvert? Ambivert?
8. Abilities (languages, talents)
9. Qualities (imagination, judgement, taste, poise)
10. IQ
11. Time Period/Era (periodic ways of thinking, and how it applies to your character)