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Azushima Masahiko

Moderator: Paroxysm

Azushima Masahiko

Postby IchiNiSanGo on Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:02 am


Source: http://pco-d.deviantart.com/

Name: Masahiko-no-Azushima
Race: Cizokian
Status: Alive
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs
Age: 19
Date of Birth: November 15, 4625

History: Work in Progress..

Personality: The Crown Prince is loud and outspoken. He is moved by what he believes is right and is fiercely loyal to his father, the Emperor. He does what he is told by his father without question and tends to reason his actions by telling himself that it is what his father would have done. He idolizes his father in many ways, but is a bit shy when it comes to actually demonstrating this devotion within his father's presence.

Skills: Tenchi-ryu no kenjutsu- A dual sword technique that was taught by one of the many teachers in the Emperor's employ. After trying multiple schools, Masahiko seemed to excel at this school.
Azushima-Keikan-no-Kata- Masahiko is able to channel the Qi from others through his blades by contact during battle. This provides a very small amount of energy which he can use to physically heal himself. He is not very proficient at this technique as of yet.
Badminton Enthusiast
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:51 am

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