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Devine, Alexander

Moderator: Paroxysm

Devine, Alexander

Postby Shin on Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:32 pm

Archetype: Psion
Name: Alexander Devine
Age: 33
Birthday: Feb 14th
Sex: Male

Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 175
Physique: Lithe
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Tan
Eye Color: Green

Style: Alexander is a Psion, but importantly he is an adventurer and wears clothing appropriate to the climate and of earthly tones.

Material: Most of his clothing his made of leathers and hides.

Accessories: He carries a variety of different trinkets such as but not limited to a scale, chalk, maps, rope, books, ect.

Weapons: He carries no weapons.

Job: Self proclaimed Adventurer and Preacher.

Motivations: Alexander believes that gods are nothing more then incredibly powerful individuals, that through one means or another have achieved great abilities and have serve no greater purpose, other then their own. He believes that those that show psionic aptitude, power to influence the world or others with but a thought, are natural candidates for what the general populace calls god-hood but he calls perfection.

Through training and unlocking the untapped potential of the mind Alexander believes that humanity can reach unfathomed heights. He understands that those with psionic powers may use them for their own benefits and believes that power can corrupt but regardless he will train anyone with psychic powers.

He doesn’t seek to obtain that god-like power for himself and sees himself as a stepping stool for those to be greater and do great or terrible things with that power.

He also actively resists churches and religion, attempting to bring people to the truth and show them what the mind is capable of. He understands that religion is a hard topics to discuss with devote followers, and instead of targeting the general populace he focuses on bringing tyrannical churches to the ground.

Weaknesses/ Flaws: Alexander believes that nothing can compare to the power of the Mind. Weapons are mere toys and magic, while powerful, is still no match for a true Psion.

Strengths: Alexander is a powerful Psionist, and takes great care of his mind and body. Because of his plethora of psionic abilities it is hard to catch him surprised or at a disadvantage.

Afraid of: Being wrong. If there was undeniable proof that there was an absolute power, that everything he has worked towards was wrong he would no doubt break.

Hates: Religion, Alexander hates what others do in the name of religion and when people contribute good and bad luck to gods rather then to themselves.

Loves: People have a do it themselves attitude, and hold similar religious beliefs.

-Psionic Abilities –

Psychic powers cover an incredibly large amount of abilities; I will only be listing the ones that Alexander is proficient in and his strength with a specific ability.

Telekinesis: The movement of matter wether it is to lift, agitate, vibrate, spin, bend, break, or impact something. There are many off shoots of Telekinesis such as pyrokinesis, cryokinesis and electrokinesis to name just a few. Alexander does not focus on the offshoots of Telekinesis, though he can use them to a small degree, but focuses largely on the influence of matter.

He is capable of rearanging non-living matter without much effort, however, when it comes to magically altered matter it is a contest of skill and power. He can not create or destroy matter, nor can he turn lead to gold or anything of that sort. He can say, turn a sharp sword into a mound of steel or give it rounded edges.

Telepathy: The ablility to read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others, most often it is just the surface thoughts of an individiual. However, those with a strong will can often shrug off the attempts of a Telepath.

Vectorkinesis: The control of telekinetic power. Alexander can not actually grant others psionic abilities, what this does allow him to do is to identify those that have psionic potential or are Psionic. Alexander can identify the increased brain usage, which often but not always identifies a Psion. Also, this ability helps Alexander to unlock the potential in those he teaches as well as himself, or to limit and supress another psions power, granting him a large advantage in the rare event he fights another psion.
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