Art by [url=/]/[/url]
Name: Taira Masachi
Race: Cizokian
Status: Alive
Skin Color: Caucasian
Hair Color: White, but it was once black.
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’10
Weight: 155
Age: 75
Date of Birth: May 14, 4569
Demeanor: Taira Masachi is a man of many faces. It is probably true that everyone he is acquainted with could regale one another with what they thought of the man and think they could predict his actions. Truthfully though during his time at the Imperial Court Masachi learned never to reveal too much. No one can truly know his motivations or thoughts. Despite this most you would come across would regard Masachi as calm, polite, fiercely intelligent, and wise. A man of great influence and power but also a man of great humility.
History: Work in progress
∙Powers and Abilities∙
∙Statistical Analysis∙
Strength - Speed - Stamina - Intelligence - Fighting skill - Special ability - | ■■□□□□□ ■■■□□□□ ■■■□□□□ ■■■■■■□ ■□□□□□□ ■■■■■□□ |