The RoyaltyShogun Gardini Almaster IV: Shogun and self proclaimed "God king" of Cizok.
Amaya Almaster: Princess of Cizok; sister of Seiria.
Seiria Almaster: Princess of Cizok; sister of Amaya.
Government Supporters/EnforcersHiraku: Gardini's minister of foreign affairs.
Abi "Abby" Hisshino: Samurai under Gardini's
direct command.
Tanjiro Kumamoto: Samurai.
Hyoto Ryu: Low ranked Samurai.
Zaila Nakamura: Commander of the Kisai.
Akira Sasaki: Kisai vice-commander; brother of Hikari Sasaki.
Seiichi Uyeda: Elite Kisai.
Takai Yuuta: Elite Kisai.
Ryuu Masakazu: Elite Kisai.
Kanaye: Imperial Battlemage; lesser Kisai.
Shichiroji Kambei: Commander of the Kensai.
"The Chameleon": Elite Kensai.
"The Boar": Elite Kensai.
Katsuhiro Kyuzo: Kensai.
Akio Satou: Kensai
Gekido Kasai: Ronin/Militiaman
Kensaki Kashou: Mercenary
The Revolution (Administrators)Maguro: "Administrator" (Figurehead) of the revolution.
Abari Rizuka: Personal bodyguard of Maguro; Maguro's left hand man..
Risou Fushigi: Abari's younger brother and Maguro's right-hand man.
Jyoku: Organizer/informant of Maguro's.
The Revolution Supporters/EnforcersShiomi Nanashi: Common laborer.
Masahiro Kageru: Samurai; avid supporter of revolutionary ideals.
Shinogiji "Boshi" Machi: Self-exiled noblewoman.
Hon‘iden Matahachi: Companion of Machi's.
Moi of the Ruro: Companion of Machi's.
Daisuke Tetsuken: Supporter of Maguro; former Kisai-in-training.
Hisoka Antoshima: Companion of Daisuke's. Graduate of Manarina.
Chujutsu Raikou: Companion of Daisuke's. Renowned surrealist painter.
Kanemeate Ulosia: Companion of Chujutsu. Renowned potter.
Ishi Kato: Youngest child of the Kato clan.
Masa Sakamoto: Best friend of Daisuke's and fiance of Ishi's. Killed by government
Boru-kun Yabai: Samurai; avid supporter of revolutionary ideals.
Professor Keane Sigmund: Traveling professor.
Hideki Arata: Student of Sigmund's.
Ichiro Makoto: Student of Sigmund's.
Taro Daichi: Student of Sigmund's.
Yori Katsuro: Student of Sigmund's.
Ryoichi Otonashi: Student of Sigmund's.
Kaze: Commoner; thief; vandal. Supporter of revolutionary ideals.
Jin Kazamika: Former Kensai; ronin.
Ayameko Misaki: A guide to safety for stranded and lost civilians after Day 3.
The Hidden FactionHeita Kiosna: Master of the Hidden Faction.
Eri Tetsuken: Elder of the Hidden Faction.
Xandra Conti: Kunoichi of the Hidden Faction.
GreoulHarold Gredenhoff: Trade minister of Greoul.
Saader Ratzinger: Merchant.
Mark the Huntsman: Merchant; former Greoul rifleman. Killed by a civilian mob.
ZitroneTabris: Telepath from Zitrone.
Pénélope, de la Vie: Telepath from Zitrone.
MeridianArmand De Leon: Political leader of Meridian.
Arthur Seriolli: Emissary from Meridian. Killed during a self-used suicide bomb.
Lugh Lonnbeimnech: Meridian assassin.
AlgerothLoran BrightBlade: Representative of Algeroth.
Miscellaneous CharactersTio Masaga: Leader of the Akinai-housed street gang "Makai no Daimyo."
Taniko Chiba: An adolescent girl who temporarily resides at the Tetsuken estate.
Chizu Tetsuken: Daisuke's mother.
Yuuka Tetsuken: Daisuke's little sister.
Nozomi Yoshida: Herbalist/alchemist.
Hikari Sasaki: Maid/servant of Gardini; sister of Akira Sasaki.
Zono: Servant of Gardini.
Karei Aishou: Lord of the Aishou Estate. Brother to Taisetsu and Masumi Aishou.
Masumi Aishou: Sister to Karei and Taisetsu Aishou.
Taisetsu Aishou: Brother to Karei and Masumi Aishou. Killed by a Kensai.
Natsu Murakami: Best friend of Karei Aishou.