Hey all
I'm back and I want to apologize for my long absence, especially to those I was involved in RP with. I hope my absence didn't cause too much of a problem in the RP's that I was in. I'd drop by Dystopia every once in a while over the past couple months to see what was new, but never had the heart for posting.
As some of you know, I was deployed for a year and came back this last summer. Readjusting hasn't been easy to say in the least, I started college but had to drop out. I've also had a good friend of mine that I was deployed with kill himself a little over a month ago and it hit me pretty hard. So, lately I have been in out of the VA being treated for several different things.
I'm told I need to 'express' myself more and find an outlet, Dystopia is that outlet. I've been a part of this world for many many years now and I never realized how much it helped me release frustration and other emotions. So, I'm back.
Hopefully you will all accept me back.
Have a great day.