Okay so lately my internet has been shitting all over my face, dunno why but I won't be online for a long while because of my weird internet connection. DOESN'T MEAN ALL THE THREADS WE'RE IN ARE STOPPING! Even when I don't have internet I still find ways to post, so keep on posting... you know who you are. >_____> My posts will just take a bit is all. Thanks.
Vylrath wrote:You haven't been speaking to me. Maybe that's why- I can't believe anyone would get butt hurt over an Rp...but it's happened before.
I'm going to conveniently forget the times that you've literally cussed me out due to decisions of mine in a roleplay, and rather than bludgeon you with a metaphor regarding felons calling other felons guilty, I'm just going to agree with you.
On what point I am agreeing with you, you may never know . . .