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I'm Back.

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I'm Back.

Postby Shin on Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:43 am

Hey all

I'm back and I want to apologize for my long absence, especially to those I was involved in RP with. I hope my absence didn't cause too much of a problem in the RP's that I was in. I'd drop by Dystopia every once in a while over the past couple months to see what was new, but never had the heart for posting.

As some of you know, I was deployed for a year and came back this last summer. Readjusting hasn't been easy to say in the least, I started college but had to drop out. I've also had a good friend of mine that I was deployed with kill himself a little over a month ago and it hit me pretty hard. So, lately I have been in out of the VA being treated for several different things.

I'm told I need to 'express' myself more and find an outlet, Dystopia is that outlet. I've been a part of this world for many many years now and I never realized how much it helped me release frustration and other emotions. So, I'm back.

Hopefully you will all accept me back.

Have a great day.

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Re: I'm Back.

Postby Thorin on Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:03 pm

Care to privately contact me for a moment?

Welcome back. Of course we'll accept you back...I will anyway. I actually got worried about you lol
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Re: I'm Back.

Postby Eric on Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:08 pm

I am terribly sorry that you have fallen on these hard times. I am quite sure everyone here would have you back and joyfully so.

Welcome back.

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Re: I'm Back.

Postby Igraine on Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:06 pm

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. If you'd like to talk to me about anything or start a RP just for the heck of it, let me know <3. There's plenty open to do! Shoot me a line and I can help you get coordinated with anything I'm doing or let you know who to talk to if I'm not involved ^_^!
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Re: I'm Back.

Postby Shin on Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:26 pm

Thanks. Everyone. I'll poke around a bit. I still have a lot going on. :/ So one or two Rp's is all I could really handle right now. And even at that, only posting about twice a day.
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Re: I'm Back.

Postby Thorin on Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:53 pm

I have a role you might be interested in. I'd have to contact you though.
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Re: I'm Back.

Postby Eric on Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:13 pm

I believe I recall you liking Cizok quite a bit and we have a pretty interesting "past" plot we just started that you might be interested in. It's been a touch slow the last couple of weeks but when has anything ever been fast on any incarnation of this forum?

Though after Wednesday I should be back to posting pretty regular since that is my last day for a little over a month and I have a lighter schedule next semester so yeah!
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