dltiht I love you so much I'm typing from a school compuiter withabrokenspacebar soIhaveto literallybashatthe keys!
TYhefaciaklexpression isliterally perfect for Kremnawes.D: I'mincredibly touchedand promise to return thefavour. Thatslikeliterally how I picturehis face .I loveyou. I'll return thefavourIpromise.
That's the link to Grim's page. It'll be cool to see how she looks for someone else. Um, whatever style you want for it, I guess. Awesome job with your other drawings, though, seriously. Thumbs up.
Fuck it. I'm going to hell, anyway.
You live, you laugh, you love, you learn. You scream, you cry, you crash, you burn.