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Kingdom vs Kingdom

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Kingdom vs Kingdom

Postby littlebean on Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:27 pm

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BEHOLD MY MINIONS! I AM KINGTRON 5000! I was built to be king, the perfect ruler, the only thing that was stopping me was that I hadn't a kingdom to call my own! So I stumbled across a pitiful pony kingdom, conquered it, defeated it's pitiful king and claimed it for my own! The left side of the map is my kingdom, nice isn't it? I even added some red for the unicorn blood! JOIN ME, JOIN MY KINGDOM HELP ME TO RULE THIS LAND AND EVENTUALLY THE WHOLE WORLD! POST IN A REDDISH COLOUR TO JOIN MY FORCES!

To anyone who is listening, I was once the powerful king of a beautiful and prosperous land. We existed in secret, free from the world's taint and happy for thousands of years undiscovered. Nobody was ready for the robot wrath that fell over us. That steel creature mercilessly slaughtered my people, took my land, my crown, and my FRIKKEN LEFT LEG! He (she, it?) banished me to the cursed swamp and demon filled lands to die. But I am a God damned UNICORN and will not be defeated so easily. Hear my plea, post in a greenish colour to aid my cause, rebuild a better kingdom than the one I lost and live in happiness forever. Also I'm going to kick Kingtron's ass.
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