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Worldly Details

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Worldly Details

Postby Zombzeh Nayt-o! on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:30 am

So, while it is extremely possible to go about roleplaying here on Dystopia with knowing only the raw basics, sometimes it does help to know a few specific details about the world. I didn't go into all the details in the other FAQ threads and the like, just to spare everyone a wall of text. This thread will be devoted to many of the finer details of the world, and will be bracketed off into separate posts with links to each section and the like. That way, if you happen to see a reference to the Enigmas in a thread you're in, you can check this thread for an explanation as to what, exactly, the Enigmas are.

Again, you don't need to read this thread to RP soundly on Dystopia. I covered the basics in [link], and that's all you really need to know. The information posted in this thread is completely optional.

Table of Contents
I. Enigmas
II. Shades
III. Lumen
IV. Vuri
V. Memories
VI. Sages
VII. Sleiden
Zombzeh Nayt-o!
Posts: 509
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Location: West Virginia

Re: Worldly Details

Postby Zombzeh Nayt-o! on Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:09 am

I. Enigmas

We'll start with the very first global plot on Utopia. This plot dealt with an Illuminati organization of men and women known originally as "Enigmas." For presumably hundreds of years, this organization controlled nations of the world behind the scenes, organization assassinations and rigging hierarchies when need be. The Enigmas are not common knowledge in the slightest, nor will they ever be; one in a million people not affiliated with them might know of them, and even then, spreading rumors of their existence has always been dangerous--often leading to certain individuals being "silenced."

But, believe it or not, it wasn't out of a dictatorial drive that this organization did this. Far from it, in fact. Their actions were, as far as they were concerned, necessity. It was later revealed in the Enigmas plot that their goals were a necessary evil for the sake of universal order. Former Prime Director, Tyrian Sturm, once stated the full aim of the organization: to "protect the world from both heavenly and hellish influence." Assassinations, it was revealed, were carried out on global leaders who were far too influenced by an Angelic or Demonic force, and hierarchies were rigged if it meant purging the two from the world of Utopia.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what the Enigmas are. They double as both an organization and a circumstance of "living." These people have all, at one point, died--but for some reason or the other, they could not be passed on. In fact, they didn't even enter the world of the dead. because of this, most Enigmas are technically dead, but exist with all conditions of nominal mortality. It is commonly believed that they lose a portion of themselves and their souls during the process of failing to pass on and therefore are without an afterlife of any sort to look forward to. This has not ever been proven or disproven, but it is a fear of nearly every Enigma amongst them.

It's under that fear which they are united.

The hierarchy of the organization goes as follows:

-- The Guardians
--- Prime Directors
---- Directors
----- Agents

Starting from bottom up: Agents are the basic Enigmas. These individuals are generally the ones to carry out assassinations and missions of all sorts. They are usually lead in at least groups of three or four, with a Director to guide them. Directors take their orders from Prime Directors, and either give individual Agents under their command missions to carry out, or personally lead a group of their Agents into a larger mission. Prime Directors, on the other hand, rarely see real missions, but are regarded as the most powerful and influential of the Enigmas. There are usually only three or four of these types alive at any one time. They take orders directly from the Guardians, and memorizing the entire state of the organization and its members, dole these missions out to Directors according to who's best fit for the task.

Prime Directors, Directors, and Agents all know each other by color. There are numerous theories about how these colors are decided, but only the Guardians know that truth. Each member wears a hooded coat or cloak of some sort to contain their identities in public (the original sight of hooded figures gave them their name, Enigmas), with at least an arm band of some sort that comprises the color in which they're to be addressed and known as by other members. Names, for them, are supposedly inconsequential.

And finally, the Guardians. These are believed to be the entire second generation of human beings on the planet, gifted with eternal life. While Directors and Agents believe that all ten of them are active at once, Prime Directors are aware of the truth: only one Guardian at a time is truly active. The nine others remain in hibernation, hidden discretely in remote locations of the world, just in case the active Guardian disappears or is killed. Ideally, this would mean that the organization would never become defunct.

The Enigmas' main base of operations is that of the Sky Temple, a fortress situated within a treacherous mountain range, where it is next to impossible to climb, yet alone explore.

So, what's their current status, following the End?


And I'll tell you why:

A little over twenty years prior to the End of the World, a brilliant man named Tyrian Sturm was enlisted into the organization. He was marked by the color purple. He quickly rose in rank, from Agent to Director to Prime Director, by virtue of higher intellect alone. He exhibited both scientific and tactical genius beyond that of which the Enigmas were previously accustomed to. As a stoic man and a scientist at heart, he spent almost every waking hour studying that which could best assist the organization.

During his time as a Director, he was given an order by the Silver Enigma, a Prime Director which had lived in his status for longer than any of the others had been alive, to send an Agent under his command to the City of Sin, the largest known city in the world--and a city entirely devoid of functional law enforcement, thus the name. The goal was to investigate the mysterious disappearance of an entire fifth of the city. Sturm sent the Gold Enigma, a woman under his command for years on end, and an apprentice of sorts.

In the City of Sin, the Gold Enigma discovered that the missing fifth of the city was covered in unnatural shadows. The Silver Enigma later explained what happened, exactly: ". . . in the City of Sin, the home to the worst and most savage beings our reality has ever seen, a vast metropolis known also as the City of Fear-- a collective fear so expansive demanded more from the symbiotic relationship it shared with the dark, and the city became the site of the "First Midnight"--a phenomenon we later named, the first instance of shades in our world. It was a lingering darkness over a portion of the city, and we had the then Director Tyrian Sturm send his most capable operative to investigate--the one you know as Gold."

"She toughed through the worst that reality had to offer, and finally came upon the darkness. The woman with the strongest fear, who had not experienced the hells of that metropolis, whose reoccurring nightmare of the darkness swallowing and devouring her former family could ruin her spirit at just an allusion. Her shadow made contact with the lingering darkness, and the hungry Shades we know--the creatures of the End that slash and devour all that lives--were born into our world from her shadow, from her greatest fears. And though she is no more, they retain that form."

"And then, despite my orders, the then Prime Director Tyrian Sturm harvested and collected Shades to better understand them. He learned much, and then through misguided ideal, he decided that he alone could keep this world safe using the manifest of fear, and sought to control the Shades with one single creature he theorized capable of controlling the mindless shadows without fail. He instigated more, he gave them reason to gather into this world."

Using his unnatural influence, Silver used the Orange Enigma, Eilert Draugr (a long time companion of Sturm's, to boot), to unknowingly destroy all of Sturm's research. This caused dissent between Sturm and his fellow Prime Directors, Silver and the recently promoted Gold Enigma. Over time, Sturm investigated the actions of Silver, only to find that he possessed an unnatural ability to brainwash and force the actions of others--a skill which he had apparently used on the active Guardian, as well. Fearing what would come of an organization lead by Silver, Sturm secretly broke away from the organization, to the Dark World--Oblivion--where he could not be monitored. There, he continued his research.

When his "mutiny" was discovered, Sturm defected from the organization, along with several others most loyal to him. He had plans to bring Eilert Draugr and another long time friend, Icsorue Lahmendt, the Pink Enigma, along with him, but Silver kept a close lock on Eilert, and Icsorue was already too afflicted by Silver's constant "orders" to be trusted.

Silver personally hunted Sturm and his defectors into Cizok, where he lured a yet unrecruited Enigma, Shin Shiden, into cutting down Sturm's allies one after another, ending with a confrontation with Sturm himself. Sturm, however, escaped from this.

The months that followed had Sturm and Silver passive-aggressively fighting between worlds. Silver used Shiden and other powerful Enigmas to track down Sturm, and even managed to get Shin Shiden into Oblivion. Sturm, on the other hand, whittled away at the organization's control throughout the world, by spreading dissent amongst agents and having "secure territories" liberated. To evade much of the dissent, however, Silver uses his brainwashing commands to force Icsorue Lahmendt to kill the Gold Enigma and numerous other Directors that shared Sturm's concerns. He even had Selena, the current acting Guardian, killed, and as the other nine Guardians have remained quiet, it is only safe to assume that Silver had them killed, too.

Sturm inevitably defeated Silver in this war, and marched upon the Sky Temple, where he and his subordinates [see ERSATZSHAD] fought Silver's last few loyal Enigmas, intentionally sparing their lives. Eilert and Icsorue were amongst the group of loyalists, and at Sturm's suggestion to speak to Silver with him, they joined with Sturm to confront Silver. Within the Sky Temple, Silver unveiled his plan:

To bring about the end of the world.

Under the belief that he is acting as Gaia would have wanted, Silver has been working behind the scenes as the sole benefactor of the entire organization for almost the entire time of the organization's existence, all to collect resources and knowledge to progressively craft a spell to bring about world's end.

Sturm and Icsorue are injured in an ensuing fight, and it is left to Eilert Draugr to stop Silver.

Although this plot has yet to be concluded (Eilert, alone, is currently confronting Silver), it's safe to conclude that the organization of Enigmas does not exist following the End of the World. Whether or not Silver's plans succeeded in their entirety or not, there are no Guardians left to perpetuate the organization, nor any strong community of Enigmas left to found an entirely new Illuminati organization. Whether Silver's true plans succeeded or not, the Enigmatic Organization is no more.
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Re: Worldly Details

Postby Mandaz on Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:03 am

II. Shades

Since their first appearance, Shades have been grouped into two types, with five subtypes.
Category A. Verashads (True Shades)
Subtype 1: Shade
Subtype 2: Gigashad
Subtype 3: Shadeling

Category B: Quasishad (False Shades)
Subtype 1: Shadomorph
Subtype 2: Ersatzshad

-Category A; Subtype 1: Shades
-Basic Description: Small, black creatures. Red eyes. Hunched bodies. Teeth, Fangs, Horns.
Shades have a mysterious and rather ‘shadowy’ history. Their first incarnation as a cloud of thick darkness over a section of The City of Sin. When a scout known as the “Gold Enigma” was sent to investigate it, she did not know she was about to open Pandora’s box. Once her shadow hit the darkness, the creatures began to pour out of it, taking the form of her deepest fears. [See: Enigmas]

Shades originate in a realm known as Oblivion. Most of Oblivion is made up of thick darkness also referred to as “Absolute Midnight”. This is actually the main birthplace for shades. For what seems like darkness is actually a myriad of shades piling on top of one another, covering this realm in a blinding blackness. Humans who have been through Absolute Midnight and lived describe the feeling similar to walking underwater. Motion is slowed, breathing is limited, and sight is impossible. If one were to attempt to light their way in Absolute Midnight the shades would become alarmed to the presence of an outsider and attack.

The shade diet consists of living creatures. They consume not only the body, but the soul as well. Shades swarm throughout their entire lives looking for more souls to consume. What drives them to do so has yet to be deciphered, as it seems the shades have no vital organs or nerves, cannot feel hunger or pain, or possess any intelligence outside of moving and eating. It has been said once a soul is devoured by the shade that the previous owner of said soul cannot be passed on to any sort of afterlife. They are utterly consumed with no hope of ever coming back. That said: Shades need time to properly assimilate souls into their bodies. If a shade were to be killed the ‘undigested’ souls it has eaten would be allowed to pass on.

-Category A; Subtype 2: Gigashads
-Basic Description: Larger, muscular bodies if a brawler. Leaner, sharper bodies if a speedster.
An anomaly considerably more dangerous than regular shades. Gigashads have abandoned hunting humans and traveling with the swarms. Instead they reside mostly within Oblivion (though some have been known to stray to Utopia/Dystopia.) They hunt and consume other shades, gathering power from what souls its prey has already eaten. They can mostly be found in Absolute Midnight, where their food supply is plentiful. Very aggressive and often very powerful, gigashads are a nasty nuisance. They retain their need to constantly hunt, however their link to the rest of the swarm is somehow broken; causing them to go rogue. Bigger, Badder, and Hungrier, stay away from gigashads.

-Category A; Subtype 3: Shadelings
-Basic Description: Can grow into any form: always keep their dark skin, red eyes, and horns.
The next step in a shade’s evolution, the state where the shade becomes self aware. Unlike gigashads, shadelings have the ability to learn and grow away from their vicious feeding nature. It is unknown what causes the change, but it is assumed that once a shade has consumed so many souls they will combine and contort into a new soul, giving the shade a personality, intelligence, and on rare occasions, broken memories of its past victims. It is said that a shadeling is ‘born’ with every shade swarm. However, though the creature does become self aware, it does not always realize this at first. A shadeling may continue to hunt and travel with its swarm until some outside force can separate it. Once influenced by other things, the shade will learn and grow. Since they were once shadows, and are made of fragments of others, it seems only fitting that their growth is based on mimicking what it surrounds it. Shadelings exposed to humans will eventually grow a human shape and learn human language. While say, if one were to be raised by wolves, it would grow a wolf shape and communicate with wolves.

This isn’t to say that they are no longer attached to their swarms, far from it. This is where the shadeling’s importance comes in. It is theorized that the shadeling has the ability to communicate and influence its shade siblings; this could be for a number of reasons, but one of the more accepted theories is that Shades are drawn to strong souls, but will never attack one of their own. In a way a shadeling would be seen as a leader or someone who is strong enough to find them more food. Because of this, shadelings are a sought after commodity to those who know what they are and what they can do. The ability to control the swarms would be the Dystopian version of a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ [See: The End]

-Category B; Subtype 1: Shadomorphs
-Basic Description: Varies
The transition from human to shade. Shadomorphs are an abnormality, but usually a natural occurrence. One of the more reasonable explanations is the human is ‘possessed’ by the shade. The shade will live in the dark crevasses of the human body until it eventually assimilates with the human, infusing it with abilities similar to the shade. This can create problems not only with the human’s health. If the shade was on the verge of becoming aware this process tips it over the edge, developing a separate personality for the ‘shade side’ of the shadomorph. In fact, regulating the body functions between the two personalities can often become strained if said personalities aren’t keen on sharing. Usually the more aggressive shade personality will take over the body completely, becoming very much like a shadeling. Not many cases of successful shadomorphs exist, and even then little to no study has been done on them as of yet.

-Category B; Subtype 2: Ersatzshad
-Basic Description: Varies, but always with Grey shaded skin, red eyes, and horns.
The most unnatural shade type. Ersatzshad can best be described as a mad scientist’s experiment. Created as an attempt for the Scientist Tyrian Sturm [see: Enigmas] to ‘manufacture’ his own shadeling. He developed a process to compress a shade into a solid, structural form, forcing its souls to combine and create a personality. These creatures are NOT shadelings in any way. They cannot communicate or control shades, despite their retaining of some abilities. Ersatzshad are usually limited to one or two main shade-like abilities which they excel, but will lack skill in others or not possess them at all. Example: One ersatzshad may be particularly good at manipulating shadows, but not very quick when it comes to traveling through them.

The ersatzshad reside in a cleared out town in Oblivion, developed and governed by the very doctor who created them. They are all failed experiments, but Sturm is not a heartless man, and keeps them around for study. They are cared for by him, all given homes and food rations. The ersatzshad have lost their need to consume humans. They all have very distinct personalities and appearances. Most notably their varying skin shade and horn placement. No two look alike. Through the years they have developed relationships and bonds, leading to the discovery of the infertility of ersatzshad. Despite possessing very human anatomy, the ability to create a child is impossible.

Abilities of a Shade and its types include, but are in no way limited to: Shadow Travel, Shadow Manipulation, Mimicry, Dissolving, Soul ingestion, Body manipulation (falls under shadow manipulation because their bodies are made of shadows) Summoning other shades, communicating with other shades.

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Re: Worldly Details

Postby Zombzeh Nayt-o! on Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:14 am

III. Lumen

The Lumen are another species that are unique to Utopia/Dystopia. They were entirely conceived for this forum, and to my knowledge, haven't been used on any others. I could be wrong, though! In any case . . .

Just as there are Shades in the world, it is a known fact that there is an opposite: the Lumen. Shades inhabit the dark, Lumen inhabit the light. That's the general rule of thumb. Shades, for example, will crawl out and spawn from shadows, and an intelligent and self aware Shade (I.E. a Shadeling; see [SHADES]) can even use shadows for the sake of attacks. This means that Shades are absolutely useless during the day, restricted to their raw physical attacks. As a general rule of thumb, Lumen are just the opposite.

As another general rule of thumb, Shades specialize in overwhelming numbers, while Lumen specialize in raw technical skill. Powerful Lumen can do the same damage as dozens upon dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of shades, but rarely in a brute-force type of manner. Their skills always differ, but usually have something to do with the light--which, incidentally, restricts them to simple, unaltered physical attacks during the night. As they are opposite to Shades, Lumen are exceptionally weak to shadow and dark based attacks, but a skilled Lumen knows how to avoid or negate them.

Sometimes there are Lumen with raw power based abilities, and therefore less apt to exert much skill during fights, but they're not too terribly common. Likewise, there are some that have no special or extraordinary powers; these are also not common.

As such, while Shades exists in the millions and spawn quickly and easily within shadows, it's more difficult for Lumen to spawn, requiring other Lumen to assist in the creation of more. Therefore, there are vastly fewer Lumen in the world. Were they unable to defend themselves, they would be considered an endangered species.

It's not just their powers that make them the opposite of Shades, though. Lumen are stark contrasts to Shades in appearance, as well. Like pure Shades always have obsidian skin, Lumen always have bleach white skin. Their skin, in fact, can resonate with the sun, and produce a strong blinding light if the Lumen in question wishes it. However, like Shades, they come in all shapes and sizes, and always come with warm colored eyes--reds, oranges, yellows, and the like. They haven't any horns or anything similar, but aren't restricted from it. No two Lumen ever look the same. Some are more animal like while others may express a humanoid appearance. Players RPing as Lumen can therefore take as many creative liberties as they like, as far as the character's skin is bleach white and he/she/it has warm colored eyes, the sky's the limit.

Unlike Shades, there are no subspecies of Lumen. A Lumen is, by default, self aware and capable of intelligent thought. Some don't, and instead act like "soldiers" to more powerful Lumen, completely subordinating themselves to the most basic of instincts, but that isn't too commonly found in them. As Lumen can take upon a mammalian biology, they can breed sexually. Sometimes, this is how Lumen are born, through literal births, either by egg or mammalian birth, depending entirely upon the Lumen's biology--those Lumen have very little say in how they exist. The same goes for Lumen that are asexually spawned by other, stronger Lumen. These types can be created by extremely powerful Lumen, and made into whatever it is that particular creator is seeking. To some extent, it causes the creator to lose a portion of his/her/its own power, but that is a risk often taken.

Any Lumen that's preconceived by another Lumen has no control over his, her, or its appearance; those are all inherited or designed by its creator. Older, stronger Lumen might exert the power to change its own form, but to some extent, this is an ability which must be learned--albeit not an ability uncommon amongst stronger Lumen. Lumen can therefore age and die of age related causes, or if created to never age, will retain the same "age" at which they were created.

So far, Lumen have exerted very little care or compassion. They have been described by others as impassioned, mischievous, and in some cases, murderous without remorse. They do not feed off of humans; when a Lumen kills a human being, it's an act of deliberate murder, not survival. Some might choose to eat humans, but it's not crucial for their survival. This is not to say that they are entirely without compassion or empathy, but unless taught or shown reason to feel such things at an early age, they won't--and Lumen that are raised by other Lumen will, more than likely, take after them emotionally and mentally, and therefore feel very little empathy towards human beings and Lumen alike.

But, were, say, a Lumen born with human biology taken in and raised by humans, the Lumen would learn to feel such things as compassion, empathy, sympathy, and all the like.

Now that the finer details are out of the way, I'll go into what they've done in RP. It is, admittedly, not much, but still extremely important to the Utopian global plot:

One particular Lumen, Tabris Arlraevous, is believed to be a powerful enough Lumen to represent the whole of them, if not at least strong enough for the majority of them to allow it. Lumen were introduced very late in the overarching plot of Utopia, beginning with Tabris.

It has been revealed by this point, however, that Tabris was, at the very least, conceived sexually, as he has grown and aged over time. His youngest appearance thus far has been many years in the past, when he was five years old. He is, as of Dystopia's present day--approximately four months following the End--eighteen years old.

Regardless, following the onset of Shade hordes regularly attacking large populations, Tabris began to make appearances throughout the world, boasting the abilities of Lumen, and describing them as capable of dispatching Shades better than any human ever could. During tests of this in mid-day, Tabris proved that Lumen, in the presence of light, can be superior in combat to Shades, so long as they're properly trained. This idea was sold to many countries of the world, and in months prior to the End, countries all over began to adopt Lumen as a suitable defense against the Shades plaguing the world.

Elsewhere, though, Tabris explained to a temporary mentor of his that Lumen are "a necessary evil" and "capable of the same ills as the shadows." He vividly described them as having no compassion for mankind, for the most part, and therefore not the ideal light that humanity seeks in dark times. He continued to argue that no form of light or darkness will ever be what humanity expects, as he explains that both are equally capable of good and evil deeds.

It has been foretold in mythology, however, that the willing combination of a Shade and Lumen can lead to very disastrous results . . .
Zombzeh Nayt-o!
Posts: 509
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The Vuri

Postby Vylrath on Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:11 pm



The Vuri were created entirely by chance. Their creator is Vylrath Xanathi, who originally sought his daughter while he was still in his demonic state of being. During his rage, he killed Caela Xanathi’s lover/friend Baleron. Baleron had been possessed with a blood curse, but Vylrath was caught unaware. When Vylrath ate part of Baleron’s body, the curse took over his system. He was slowly becoming a new race with a new awareness that he had never had before. (In other words, he gained guilt, a conscience, etc. )

When he returned to Isabella Xanathi, he turned her into a Vuri, in a fit of rage. When his daughter tried to find her parents, he also changed her into a Vuri when she confronted him. During their stay, he created a sanctuary made up of his Vuri blood. The sanctuary would protect ALL Vuri during times of strife. They discovered that they could regain their strength and health back, by eating the dead when Vylrath nearly died from blood loss upon creating their sanctuary.

Isabella Xanathi discovered that their powers could have individual traits as well. Vylrath appeared to be tied to nature, while she held empathic abilities. The younger Vuri, such as Caela, were still developing their powers at the time. Their son Trydian, had also been changed, by willingly giving himself to the Vuri influence.

1st Generation: The Vuri created by Vylrath, were by a ritual or curse and are considered 1st Generation Vuri. Their powers are weaker, compared to the 2nd Generation, who are born naturally with these gifts of shade. 1st Generation also have less control of their abilities and often struggle with their free will. The 1st Generation were also controlled solely by Vyrlath Xanathi. Because they lacked free will, he could control most of their fate. Many of the Vuri despised their creator, once they realized that he placed uncontrollable boundaries.

2nd Generation: Soren Xanathi is the first 2nd Generation Vuri. Because he was born from Caela Xanathi and Vylrath Xanathi, he will possess stronger abilities. Any descendants from Soren Xanathi will have more control over their free will and be able to control the shade at a greater length.


The Vuri are shade creatures, to put it bluntly. They have the ability to travel through the shadow and hone their “blood magick” during the night. (The moon seems to have some influence over their powers, but it is still being investigated by the Vuri.) The night is their greatest influence and their strength is granted to them ten times the norm.
Blood magick: Vylrath Xanathi is the first to exhibit blood magic. Because of his demonic nature, he was able to hone in on this ability at a faster rate. He killed Baleron, by using his own blood magic curse against him. When he controlled Baleron’s blood magick, he used the blood to cut up his body. When he realized the ability, it became a part of the “blood curse” ability that had once resided in Baleron.

When the Vuri power was new, Vylrath Xanathi discovered that Vuri could “share” attributes if necessary. If a fellow Vuri is in distress, other Vuri could bless their strength as needed. However, this has a downside, if other parties are needed in the fight.


When Vylrath Xanathi was still experimenting with his new “gift”, he realized that he became weakened during the sunlight. Their sanctuary became a home for the Vuri while they still came to terms with their powers. If they consumed enough of the dead, they could tolerate the sun for a certain amount of time. Eventually, they would have to resort to the sanctuary to gain their strength, or wait for nightfall.

Eating the dead can also have a consequence. They are at their weakest state when they are feeding and can become too overwhelmed.


They can place cursed runes into their armor and weapons. For example, Vylrath Xanathi had a ritual dagger that contained his spilled blood. When a rune is placed into a Vuri’s piece of armor, it becomes influenced by the wearer and their personal strength. Mostly male Vuri achieve this feat of magick.


The Vuri race is considered neutral. They do not go looking for war and they only consume the dead for survival. They are a very private race and reside in their own territory. Since Vylrath Xanathi’s dead, the Vuri became matriarchal. However, if their family becomes threatened, they will join forces and fight to the death. Every 1st Generation Vuri had been controlled by Vylrath Xanathi, but since his death, they are slowly realizing they have free will again.


Vuri Lake
Vylrath Xanathi had created a lake covered in blue flame with his blood. This is the site where most Vuri can purify themselves in his essence. The lake will put the Vuri into a relaxing state of mind.


The Vuri sanctuary was created by Vylrath Xanathi to protect his followers. Any harmed Vuri could take refuge in the sanctuary to gain his or her strength back. The sanctuary is empowered by Vylrath’s blood on the walls. The blood had been spilled by Vylrath Xanathi in a desperate act to protect Isabella and Caela Xanathi. This is where he also found his ritual dagger, which had been lost in a fight. He also created a private room for Isabella Xanathi.

Their territories hold their greatest strength. It is almost impossible to destroy a Vuri while he or she is still residing in their homeland. Unless you understand their functions of magic and strength, it would be a huge feat to simply “destroy” a Vuri when they are in their territory.


The Vuri worshipped Vylrath Xanathi, in a sense that they had no choice. Since his death, they have not declared a deity or God. They are a free people from the ties of religion and believe in the strength of their family and new will.
The Curse

Humans are the weakest creatures against the curse. They are the most likely to accept the idealism of immortality and absolute power given by the Vuri. The Vuri do prey on the weak and recruit by force. The only reason why this is done is to increase their numbers. Until the 2nd Generation had been born, it was the only true method of creating a Vuri.

Lesser Shades do not hold as much influence as a true Vuri would. The Vuri are followers of darkness, etc and can wield their power during the night. They have understood the importance of their strength and grasped the way on how to regenerate their power.

The Vuri have not encountered other races as of late.
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Re: Worldly Details

Postby Zombzeh Nayt-o! on Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:31 pm

V. Memories

Memories are another race specifically unique to Utopia/Dystopia. They are, if anything, the single most unfortunate race of people to have ever lived.

Just like Shades collect in Oblivion and Lumen collect on Dys/Utopia, Memories are born in the in-between realm of Purgatory. It is there that they "live," for the most part. Some Memories do find their way into the living world, but this is fairly rare.

Though they are born and predominately live in Purgatory, Memories are a vast minority compared to other Purgatory naturals. To the handful of people (non-Memories, of course) alive and dead that know of their existence, they are considered an endangered species. This is due to the number of natural predators that seek them out in both Purgatory and the living world, and the fact that they are physically incapable of breeding or perpetuating their own existence. Sterility is one other result of the complex nature of their existence: Memories, after all, are born from exactly that--memories.

One "permanent" Memory, Attis, detailed the circumstances of their existence after years of research, regarding their means of existing, boons, and limitations:

"Conception": Those that die in the living world continue to exist within Purgatory until they are somehow moved on. In general, they are not aware of this, and are in a state of twilight until having passed. Sometimes, a soul will be aware of their existence in Purgatory, at which point they become Ghosts. If they remain unsent for long enough, the soul or Ghost will be threatened by Purgatory's natural predators, creatures that feed on souls. An unsent soul which perishes in Purgatory by any means will cease to exist, but as the Law of Entropy applies even to magical or mystical realms, all which comprised their spirit is broken down in Purgatory and becomes part of it. Strong memories carried by the spirit will remain drifting, albeit invisibly, for years on end before the transition world can break them down. These drifting fragments of lost spirits are not visible to the naked eye, as they take on the same form of fog that pollutes Purgatory.

If there are a large number of extremely similar memories collected together in Purgatory, a Memory will be born.

Attis describes this as a natural act of Purgatory, because raw memories are difficult to break down, taking up to fifty years sometimes for a single recollection to "dissolve." However, the species of people called Memories are easier for Purgatory to break down. They are, as Attis describes, as natural of a phenomenon as blood clots and atmospheric dissolution (the collection of holes in an atmosphere to focus on one particular point).

And unfortunately, Memories are thinking, feeling people. They come to be at a physically predeveloped stage, based entirely upon the fragments of Memories that compose them. This wholly inspires their appearance, personality, boons, and limitations. Example:

Dyss, a Memory composed primarily of recollections of grave injustice, came to be as a budding youth, about sixteen or seventeen, when ideologies of justice and injustice are at their most extreme. Dyss is subconsciously driven by a sense of right and wrong, and generally seeks someone to "blame" for particular wrongs. He is blind and naturally skilled with long-swords.

Memories come to be with a particular appearance and outward physical age, and for their entire lifespan, this does not change. In Purgatory, their bodies cannot grow longer fingernails, facial hair, or more hair on their bodies in general. In Purgatory, if a Memory were to shave his or her head, for example, he or she would not grow that hair back. There was a means of not only fixing this, but slightly increasing their life spans, but it was eventually cut. I'll go over that in a later section.

While all this seems easy to handle, as mentioned before, Memories themselves are easier for Purgatory to break down than just raw recollections from lost spirits. As such, they often times have a lifespan limited to three to five years. That's the average time it takes for Purgatory to dissolve their existence. A Memory which has been dissolved ceases to be entirely. They have no afterlife nor continued consciousness of any sort.

There are a very select few Memories who are theorized to live forever. For this, See: Crepusculum ex Memoria.

"Living Memories": Due to the fact that Memories are in the same class of existence as Ghosts, they are, ideally, dead. This is the same reason that all Memories are sterile. As they, themselves, are not alive, they cannot produce living offspring.

However, it is possible for Memories to cross from Purgatory to the living world--Dys/Utopia. On rare occasions, it's entirely accidental and unexplainable; a Memory wanders for some time after being born, goes to sleep, and wakes up in the living world. For a long time, though, it was mainly intentional. Every so often, a Memory who specialized in magics came along that was able to create "temporary body tags," which were a combination of both glyphic and runic spells that, when placed right on a particularly made scroll, could allow the Memory to temporarily exist in the living world.

A living Memory experiences a temporary life; their organs all function nominally, including the basic needs of eating, drinking, bathing, going to the bathroom, and all the like. By virtue of being spirits, they do not experience those needs in Purgatory.

Because the spiritual environment of the living world is not as harsh as Purgatory, Memories are broken down at a much slower rate there. This is not a direct answer to their plight, however, as even if a Memory can manage to stay in the living world for long enough, it may only afford him or her an extra two or three years.

"Boons": While they are, for the most part, limited to an extremely short life span, Memories are often born with natural abilities best called boons. These boons always have much to do with the recollections that compose them. Example:

One man, Gestahl, was composed of memories of the earth in general--recollections of mountain climbing, digging, mining, surveying, and the like, all of which focused primarily on the earth itself, rather than the act itself. Gestahl, through means beyond magic or spirit, could move earth around him as he pleased. This wasn't a spiritual control, psionic/psychokinetic ability, or an act of magic. Tremors, quakes, uplifts, declines, and rock movement in general that was caused by Gestahl were as natural as other types of seismic activity.

This applies to most inherent skills of Memories. There is very little that can restrict the potency of their skills beyond their own natural environment. Unnatural methods rarely effect their abilities.

Likewise, most can experience the memories (similar to what composed initially composed them) of living people. Sometimes these occur to them in dreams and sometimes just by touching or being nearby living people.

"Limitations": As mentioned before, Memories have an extremely limited life span (in Purgatory). Also mentioned was the fact that their personalities are largely based on what sort of motif they represent, which leads to the most troublesome limitation of all:

Memories often have mental/emotional/physical issues based upon what they represent. Examples:

-- Emil, who was originally composed of memories of learning, is afflicted with an incessant, almost obsessive drive for knowledge. Although he prefers to be outwardly friendly and moral, he is easily manipulated by promises of education. He can, unconsciously, justify distant cruelty for the sake of learning from it. Interrupting said cruelty can instill him with a mind numbing guilt for a lost opportunity.
-- Akizetsumei, who was originally composed of memories of vertigo, heights, and the sky in general, is incapable of carrying one single train of thought for any length of time, and forgets most details in minutes. Although preferring to be cheerful and calm, she can become progressively violent and hateful or progressively depressed and still. Mood changes are not immediate and take a period of time to take effect. She is afflicted with an incessant wanderlust, and becomes agitated if restricted to one location for any length of time.
-- Illorex, who was originally composed of memories of self identity, is incapable of making immediate decisions on even the most minor of details. He will second guess himself up to twenty times, and internally debate even the want to blink. This is so frequent and painful for him that he prefers to make no decisions for himself, and takes the route of doing only as he is told.

Perhaps just as worse is something most Memories are not aware of. Those that make their way into the living world and contact normal, living people are even further subject to the idea of a temporary existence. When a Memory dies, it is only a matter of time before living people that knew them or knew of them forget that they ever existed. Their minds will fill the gaps in their memory after awhile with mundane, everyday events, as they can no longer recall the Memory that no longer was. No matter how hard the living might try to cling to thoughts and feelings for a passed Memory, they will inevitably forget about them.

"Memoria": Memoria is a hidden city within Purgatory in which most Memories are collected. There is a particular group (see: Crepusculum ex Memoria) that runs the city and organizes the search and collection of other Memories lost in Purgatory following their conception. Memoria is a walled safe haven from their natural predators. It is built to house at least two thousand, but even in its prime it only held less than one hundred.

"Spiritual Sustenance": At one point in history, it was discovered that ingesting raw spirit, Qi, could greatly increase a Memory's quality of life. Not only are their mental and emotional disorders quelled, but they can experience more physical sensations in Purgatory, and even experience some biological activity within Purgatory, such as hair and fingernail/toenail growth.

For some times, a marketplace was kept in Memoria, which doled out a weekly ration to each Memory that lived there. These rations were replicas of real world foods, created as sustenance from raw Qi. Although Memories do not experience things such as hunger and thirst in Purgatory, spiritual sustenance could be consumed for the sake of a somewhat more enjoyable life.

Between five to three years prior to the End, however, the marketplace was mysteriously shut down.

"The Flicker Effect": When a Memory is in the process of dying, they will visibly fade away, presumably no longer reachable, and generally believed to be dead at that very moment. This, as Attis documented, is untrue. After a Memory fades, they become what Attis calls a "flickering Memory." A flickering Memory is in the final stages of dissolution, when they no longer have a tangible body, but retain an altered, delusional consciousness. Flickering Memories suffer various brands of madness until their consciousness, too, dissolves, and they cease to be. The final stage of dissolution can take anywhere between a few days to a month. Only under extremely special circumstances does it take longer.

"Crepusculum ex Memoria": This specific elite group of Memories are rumored to live forever. Six months prior to the End, Attis remarked to a fellow Memory that he and the rest of the Crepusculum had been around for twenty-three years, nearly six times the lifespan of the average Memory. Out of hundreds of Memories that have, in that time, populated Memoria, there have only been four members of the Crepusculum ex Memoria, with Attis as one of its founders.

At some juncture in time, however, Attis left the Crepusculum. Attis once described his reasoning to fellow Memory, Dyss: that while the Crepusculum was initially established with the best intentions, to guide and protect their fellow Memories, they had at some point been warped into destructive obsessions, to the point of wishing to rend Purgatory of Reapers--a natural predator of Memories, but the only ones capable of passing and protecting spirits in the transition world, which keeps Memories from coming to exist. This, Attis explained, was contrary to his goals, which entailed finding a method of giving Memories full and complete lives without sacrificing lives of any kind.

The current status of the Crepusculum ex Memoria is undisclosed.
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Re: The Vuri

Postby Soren on Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:37 pm

[quote="Vylrath"][b]THE VURI

Let me clarify some things...

Vylrath Xanathi had the ability to turn people into Vuri. This was done, by taking their soul, in exchange for Vuri power. This is what I meant, by not having much control over themselves. Only he and future full-blooded offspring can change people into Vuri by exchanging souls. But remember, this has to be done by exchange of their complete soul and it has to be done willingly!

Where does the soul end up? I imagine, it would end up in the essence of the Vuri controlling the exchange. That's the best way I can explain it. There are natural perks: immortality, power, etc. You can ask me what the limits are. I don't like it, when a person tries to make a random black hole. . .

Let's not be that lame, folks.

Females of the race, such as Isabella Xanathi, Caela Xanathi, can give BIRTH to purebloods. This helps protect the line, etc. I think I explained this in 1st and 2nd Generation of my race sheet.

So this idea doesn't get out of control, I am clearing this information up for future plots with the Vuri. I don't want people to think that they bite necks, or randomly turn people by a simple touch.

Please message me for any questions. By the way, this is Vylrath's player.
Belligerent Beaver
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Re: Worldly Details

Postby Sage on Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:02 am

VI: Sages


Sage Warheight
Fire Magic
Well-Rounded/Exceptial Social and Combat Prowess

Sage Solaris
Light/Solar Magic
Well-Rounded Magic/Melee

Sage Gottheit
Superior Magic Usage
Multiple Focuses

Sage Pendragon
Fire Magic
Superior Strategist
Superior One-Handed Melee/Shield Use

Sage Ravenshield
Wind Magic
Ranged Weapons Proficiency

Sage Benglasse
Water Magic
Seafaring Proficiency/Swordplay

Sage Blackthorne
Many Focuses/High Effectiveness
Low Magic Supply
Withdrawn/Neutral Alignment

Sage Voltaire
Brilliant/Photographic Memory
Way With Animals
Diplomatic/Ability To Astral Project Clones

Sage Darkspear
Well-Rounded Magic/Melee/Earth Magic
Soul Manipulation/Necromancy

Sage Baptiste
Shielding/Defense Magic
Overprotective Nature

Offtopic: A note to players: Should you be planning to make a Descendant, and are deciding what Sage(s) to descend from, keep in mind that while normally a Descendant will exhibit one or more character traits, or abilities of their Sage ancestor, this is not always the case. You do not have to be anything like your Sage of choice, or share any of the same abilities, and you do not need to share the alignment of whichever Sage. Also, it is worth noting that Sage Warheight only had one offspring before his demise, so if you are Descended from Pendragon or Warheight, you are Descended from both.

First, a summary of their history. Sages appear, for the most part, as humans do. There is a good reason for this, but that does not mean they share the exact same physiology. They are similar to humans, though, in the way humans are similar to primates. In reality, Sages predate humanity. As Death set about designing life, and populating Utopia; he created several distinct breeds of creature before he ever figured out the plan for humans. One such creation were the demons, who later thrived in Hell.

Afterward, he created ten individuals that would be the progenitors of a new race of being, who enjoyed incredibly long lifespans. He was dissatisfied with the results, but saw no reason to disallow their existence and so he created Man. The first, however, the 'prototypes of humanity', so to speak...lived on. They were capable of extraordinary feats of magic and creation that impressed mortals, but were nowhere near the scale of ability that the gods possessed and granted. Indeed, Death never intended for the Ten to be burdened by such powers, but he unknowingly gave them a gift aside from their incredible longevity. He unintentionally created within them a series of connections that bound them in unexpected ways, and spawned something unique that they could only tap in to as a whole.

A vacuum, of sorts. An unexplained anomoly that allowed them to pull into their combined network of souls very complex and powerful magicks. In the beginning, they were unaware of his shared ability, and it was unconsciously that they tapped into it, riddling themselves with amazing power. It was not until they came upon a stranger who united them in a way they had yet to experience against a pair of Gods whom had been left to war with themselves over a molten section of the planet's surface. Their fellow Gods knew that the only interests these two Gods and their creations held, were the destruction of the other, and so they were content to let them be. But the stranger, Knox, insisted that they were a threat to the humans which had begun to spring forth and populate the planet. He explained to them that the humans were not capable of the feats that they were, and that they held a burden of responsibility to protect them, by quelling the Gods' rage.

Knox was somehow aware of their ability, and trained them until they were capable of invoking it, promising further instruction once they had dealt with the task he laid before them. Knox referred to the Ten as Sages, masters of their respective Arts, and the name stuck whenever they were mentioned in history. Warheight was the leader of the Sages, and took the lead during the attack, funneling their attack through his own body to amplify their power as well as completing the spiritual circuit necessary to draw in the magic needed to defeat their target. Warheight was unable to bear the strain, and was killed in the act of destroying the God Kaos' servant, Fortinbras. However, the Avatar of both Gods were possessed of the same ability to resurrect themselves from nothing.

After Warheight's death, Knox disappeared. The Sages mourned their fallen leader, but were left with the soul of the defeated Fortinbras to deal with. After Warheight's death, Pendragon gave birth to his son, Adriel. It was decided that the soul would be bound to the child, and after much protest on Pendragon's part, the deed was done. The Gods wept for young Adriel Warheight, and after seeing the pointlessness of their hatred for one another, healed the land they had swept with fire. They created a lush and green land that they promised to Adriel and his offspring. Adriel was crowned king of the humans there, and enjoyed many long centuries of rule before his inevitable demise.

There had been clues, visions of Warheight's death. Solaris had experienced them, as well as Darkspear. Darkspear had seen fit to ignore them, Solaris considered them nothing more than nightmares stemming from nervousness, rather than prophetic dreams. After his death, he stayed with Adriel, taught the boy the things that he could learn from Sage Solaris, and wrote his Ak'Vahr. Each of the Sages wrote these tomes, records of their life and explanations of their powers, and how they worked. Warheight had written the first, before his death, and it was as in rememberance of him that they followed suit, so that the future generations might benefit from their knowledge, should their immortality fail to last.

Obsidian:Solaris, stricken with grief, sought to create an object that would do the job Warheight had been made to do, so that never again would the death of a sibling haunt him during the night. But without Warheight, they could not recreate the vacuum which had defined them during their years of training. Solaris left, for a time, and traveled endlessly in search of an answer, something that could have saved Warheight. He discovered that the obsidian, formed in the lava currents deep beneath fertile Algeroth, had become infused with power after having been exposed to the power of the Gods. He found that it could be refined, strengthened. He created things out of obsidian that were possessed of more durability than steel, and acted as a powerful magical catalyst.

He experimented with the process, and learned that incredible amounts of magical energy could be stored in an obsidian object during refinement. Solaris went back to Adriel's home, where he knew he would find Gottheit and Blackthorne. Gottheit and Darkspear were the best mages among them, capable of amassing massive amounts of energy to bend to their will, Solaris and Blackthorne being ranked third and fourth in the same area. Darkspear was nowhere to be found, but Gottheit and Blackthorne agreed to help, if he would agree to a solitary condition. Whatever Solaris was planning to craft, they wanted an identical copy to present to Adriel, whom they saw as their leader after the death of Warheight. Solaris reluctantly agreed, knowing the boy wouldn't understand how to use the object, and between the three of them, they crafted two weapons. A sword, for Solaris, and a dagger for Adriel. They called the dagger Adriel's Fang, and shortly after presenting it to him, Solaris disappeared again.

Oblivion: Solaris has succeeded in his obsession, and attempted to test it's power. Teleportation was a power that Knox had been gifted with, that they had never been able to recreate. It was with this he experimented first, resulting in disaster. He used the sword as his catalyst, and poured his magic into the act of relocating himself magically, only to end up in a world of black. His most famous power had always been mastery over light and dark, but even he could not light the way in this desolate emptiness. Solaris has not been seen on the face of Utopia since.


VIx2: Descendants

After Adriel, each Sage was known to have had offspring, either by mating with mortals, or each other. The results varied, and could have hardly been anticipated. The things that the Sages had learned, had absorbed with their shared power appeared in the genetics of their children. Any being who can count a Sage among their ancestors are referred to as a Descendant. Their races, abilities, magical potential, lifespan, and looks vary greatly, much as any other mortal. Most often, one defining trait or ability of the Sage most prominent in their lineage shines through. Descendants' physiology remains normal, for the most part. They often live longer than their human brethren, though this has become less drastic a difference as the Sagastic bloodlines have begun to become watered down throughout the centuries.

Ascendancy: While Ascension is said to be representative of a person being closer to their actual Sage ancestors than any other, it is important to understand that pureblood Descendants of Sages with no human blood never ascend. It is strictly a genetic quirk that pops up occasionally in mixed-breed Descendants. The Descendant goes through something of a 'second puberty' whereby their powers, personality, and even their aura enters a state of flux. Everything about them spins wildly out of their control, often leading to complete and permanent changes to the behaviors and/or appearance of the Descendant. The Rite of Ascension is concluded when the Descendant sprouts a pair of wings, that can be magically retracted into the shoulderblades. Some view this state as a position of honor, and others tear down these winged heralds out of jealousy.

The Arcane and Auras: Every Descendant is possessed of the potential for absorbing magic, though not always the aptitude. Their lives are literally bound to the magic at their core. Each of them absorb magic on a fraction of the scale the Sages could, from sustenance, breathing, even being in close proximity to other living beings feeds their spark of life. Constantly their bodies process magical energy, which keeps them alive, the same as eating or breathing. Very little energy is required for this, and the majority is burned off as a biproduct. To the naked eye, it is invisible, but to those trained in the arcane, Auras are visible in every Descendant. The color remains the same for each individual, for the most part, and only changes in instances of extreme stress, exertion, or emotion. A person's magical potential is judged by their ability to absorb and produce usable magic in this way, and their aptitude is measure by what they can do with the amounts they produce.

Focusing: To average Descendants, magic and Auras are just a part of life, and can not be used beneficially. Very few Descendants can wield magical energy in whatever way they choose, like the Sages could, and instead must use Focusing to do specific things. If someone is to be able to use magic, they usually generate their first Focus early in life, and out of necessity. Trauma, danger, or even boredom can spark a Focus, which becomes a way a Descendant may use their Aura. An example of this can be found in Rinald Solaris, a Descendant living in Kalmarden. He acquired his Focuses as a result of fear, and out of necessity. Terrible beasts stalk the night in his homeland, and he was able to develop and amplify magical sight, which he can use to see things from several angles at once outside his own body, and from up to a mile away. His second magical Focus is the ability to amplify his own muscles by liquifying his Aura and fueling himself with magic, like adrenaline. He first was capable of this feat after an accident in an underground cave, where he willed himself to be strong enough to clear rubble from a collapse so that he could save a childhood friend.

Focus is not always something you develop on your own, however. Often, Descendants breed specific abilities which can be inherited from their Sage ancestors, and become somewhat of a status symbol among Algerothian noble families. One such example of a Sage's ability that is commonly inherited is Baptiste's shields. Sage Baptiste was possessed of the ability to shield his allies from danger magically, which is a common reoccurence in his very small line of Descendants.

It is important to note that Descendants cast magic using the same substance which makes up their life force, and while different people have different-sized pools of said magic, anyone can overuse their magic and inadvertently extinguish their life. One more be careful to practice and make clear boundaries on exactly where their limit is. That being said, the last of an individual's magic is always the strongest.
Last edited by Sage on Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:42 am, edited 5 times in total.
Almost Famous
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Re: Worldly Details

Postby Sage on Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:28 am

VII: Sleiden

Sleiden are beings of shadow, somewhat akin to the Shades. The majority of Sleiden exist and operate near the Mirror's Edge, as close to the portals between Oblivion and Utopia as possible. They do not crave the light or dark, nor are they aggrivated by either. They simply prefer to be near both, and in some cases exist across the portal itself. Sleiden can feed off souls, and the energy emitted by souls, living or dead.

Feeding: The Sleiden all hunt something, except for The Grey. Grims and Gartels hunt and feed off souls, Gheists feed off---------////--------


Grim: Grims are the most basic Sleiden, and the first. They feed on the souls of mortals. Incapable of traversing the realms, they first created the Gartel in order to be able to do so, and feed. They are commonly confused with the Dirige, because of their ghastly appearance. In actuality, they look nothing alike, and it is likely the Grims who inspired the traditional mythological appearance of real Reapers.

The Grey: Greys are far more powerful than the Grim, and can travel in and out of Oblivion at will, though have lost the ability to transport Grims like their Gartel counterpart. Their existence is a result of deteriorated Gartel whom failed to uphold their responsibility to the Grims, and they become cursed with insanity; or, from an altered Gheist. The Grey are considered a type of Gheist, though the information on Gheists in general is limited. The Grey are specified as a small group of their own, however, due to their predictable behavior. Each is obsessed with some aspect of the soul or mind. Whether that be a vice, an emotion, or some form of mortal behavior. That makes some of The Grey completely harmless, and others very, very dangerous. Because of the limited information on what Gheists are before they become Grey or how one becomes a regular Gheist does not exist, it is hard to determine whether The Grey are more powerful, evolved forms of Gheists, or deteriorated versions of them.

Known Members: Reverie

Gheists: 0000000Invalid. --Data Inaccessible-- ...likely caused by Grims feeding off the energy of living specimens, without death. Logic dictates... --Corrupt Feed--

VIIx2: The Gartel

The Gartel are beings of Utopia who have made deals with the Sleiden to gain power in exchange for their mortality. They split into two beings, one which resides in Oblivion and provides the Grims a means of travel to Utopia to feed. In exchange, the Gartel receive amazing powers, freedom from death, and an ally in the Sleiden.

Known Members:

0. Sobiadin - Sage Solaris was the first Gartel. He split into Sobiadin and Kraven Solaris, the leader of the Gartel and a daytime Guardian for the first Vampire, respectively.

1. Nomidad - Nomidad, known as Naomi Double-D by her peers, was one of the first three humans chosen by Sobiadin to become Gartels. She spent a large majority of her 'youth' in Oblivion as a lower rank than her companions, despite showing superior skill and producing better numbers in the retrieval of souls. She is currently Sobiadin's Number One.

2. Dalerem - Dalerem is Sobiadin's enforcer. He actively seeks candidates to become part of the Sleiden's research, and exempt from many of the rules governing his brothers and sisters in Oblivion, thanks to his impeccable service record. His element is wind.

3. Paripesh - Paripesh started out as Sobiadin's right-hand man. His initial potential was the greatest of his comrades, but due to his slipping motivation and falling into what can only be described as a depression, Paripesh has lost several ranks in The Organization. He has been missing since The End.

4. Noel

5. Feires - Feires, despite being hotheaded and opinionated, did well for himself within the confines of The Organization. Guided by the suspicions of Aros about the goings-on within the higher ranks of The Organization, he began to investigate his own leader. Feires was inevitably promised to be given his humanity back in exchange for silence about his findings, and was betrayed by Sieg in Utopia and made to kill his alter ego before being murdered himself.

6. Naav - Naav, Feires' partner, was ignorant to the investigation of Sobiadin, but was sent to his death regardless, given an impossible mission in order to keep him from taking revenge for his Brother.

7. Unora

8. Erikai - Rika, as she is known by her comrades, controls the day-to-day operations of Sobiadin's Spire, as well as working with new Gartel to adapt to their new existence. She stays almost exclusively in Oblivion, and harvests only slightly more souls than the lowest-ranking harvester, Aros.

9. Thoripesh

10. Dizena

11. Ikasyo - Ikasyo was the newest addition to The Organization, and refused to harvest souls, strictly out of laziness and apathy. He became corrupt, and eventually degenerated into a Gheist. Now a member of The Grey, he is known as Reverie. He is directly responsible for the death of Naav.

12.Aros - Aros is the lowest-ranking original member of The Organization. She was the first Gartel after the initial four, but for the most part, refuses to harvest souls. Somehow, she remains immune to the degeneration that usually accompanies such betrayal, and resides almost exclusively within the Limitless Shadows.

13.Talis - Talis Rai, Alistair Baptiste in life, was inducted by Dalerem as an enforcer. Despite excellent performances on behalf of The Organization, his defiant ways have kept him from gaining ranks over other members.
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