I had this idea while learning a few songs in Japanese and some in Progressive Metal. I thought, it'd be a real challenge, always having to find different songs that people could use as their characters particular inspiration; if they were one to actually be a character that sings; or a character that was a producer of that character, or groupie, or parent, or sibling.
It'd be like real-life, just with the twist of a music industry in there. I don't know I guess while watching a few animes and tv shows about this it sparked a spat of something in me that I wished a long time ago I could do. Granted back then I was two types of a music student. I was a band student and a choir student. I actually wished I could be like someone on the stage trying to open the hearts of others and make them feel my music, but that dream is dashed.
Anyways, if anyone is remotely interested just post here about their own ideas that might help something like this actually kick off.