by Shin on Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:37 am
“I stole what? That’s preposterous.” Nicoli spoke calmly as he made himself comfortable by sitting back in the large, plush and red chair. “Stealing is wrong Oprah, you simply can’t take what doesn’t belong to you. I would never steal an elderly woman’s purse, I’ve worked to hard gaining the peoples trust to go and just throw it all away like that.”
If Nicoli had a best friend I don’t know if he could throw him under a bus. In the most dire of circumstances his friend would have to go completely psycho and start slaughtering innocents and even then Nicoli would do everything in his power to try and subdue him before he attempted to end his life. Nicoli doesn’t enjoy killing, he can do it, but doing it to someone he personally knows would be a bitter pill to swallow and would inevitably send him into a downward spiral.