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The Experiment Kids Plot

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The Experiment Kids Plot

Postby Sage on Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:20 am

In an effort to keep things organized, and to assist the players who may not be familiar with some of the information involved with Algeroth, specifically, I'm gonna post some links to useful info, some brief explanations, and links to all the threads involved in this plot. Of course if anyone has any questions I can be reached pretty easily.

YIM: naos_the_blessed_one
Skype: syruswar

You can also PM me here, though I don't check it as often, or request my cell, as I have no problem texting, and will respond that way the quickest.

So, as for the actual plot here, you need to know a few things. You can read about plot devices and backstories involved with the plot here and here.

As for Algeroth, a Warheight has to rule. It's not an arbitrary guideline. If a person of Warheight blood does not hold power, that entire part of the world will revert back to a molten wasteland as in the myth of Naos and Kaos, found in the links provided. Sieg is a Warheight heir, and has unseated his brother. He's crazy, he can absorb people's powers, and he only trusts one person. His 'minion', Cambria, whom he abducted and crafted into a loyal weapon. He helped Cambria refine his powers, while the boy knew all along Sieg would eventually destroy his body and consume his spirit to steal his powers.

Sieg, his brother, and Cambria have all seen an intensely tragic youth which lead them to be extraordinary people. Sieg has seen this phenomenon play out over and over, and has decided to test it so that he can mass-produce loyal soldiers with unique powers. Enter the experiment kids. He besets them with extreme circumstances in their youth and takes everything from them in order to hopefully recreate and mass produce the 'Cambria' effect. What happens in each child's case, how much they figure out, and whether or not they grow loyal to their handlers or ultimately Sieg is entirely up to the player. I would like the subjects to be between the ages of 5 and 20, but I can stretch that for a good enough reason. You may also pick up your kid at any point along their story/development. E.G., you can already have your kid be in the care of a handler, or beyond that point.

As for the actual kids, they don't necessarily need to be magical or have an element, but they need to have a specific talent or ability that is unique to them. The kids will be given callsigns by Sieg which will be used to refer to them by any type of meta-NPC or OOC, or even used IC directly relating to the character if they're far enough along to understand what it is that's been done to them. These names will be given based on their personality and reactions to the events Sieg introduced to them.

Possible names so far, as examples:
Honest ( Honesty )
Bliss ( Bliss has a kind of nirvana-like state he enters, he wasn't necessarily happy to become a puppet. Lol. )

[ Threads! ]
Abel meets Helena (Year -7)
Sora meets Captain Blackthorne (Year 0.8)
Claire meets Xavier (Year -5)
Last edited by Sage on Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
Almost Famous
Posts: 542
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:40 pm

Re: The Experiment Kids Plot

Postby Sage on Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:53 pm

[ Experiments and Handlers ]
Subject Alpha 000 - " Cambria "
Handler Alpha 000 - Siegfried Warheight

Subject Beta 001 - " Mercy "
Subject Handler 001 - Talis Rai

Subject Beta 002 - " Bliss " - Sora ( 21 )
Handler Beta 002 - Captain Raius Blackthorne

Subject Beta 003 - " Calm " - Ivan Azarov ( 17 )
Handler Beta 003 - Simon Hayward

Subject Beta 004 - " Purity " - Claire Warheight ( 16 )
Subject Handler 004 - Xavier Gottheit

Subject Beta 005 - Abel ( 16 )
Subject Handler 005 - Lady Inquisitor Helena Voltaire

Subject Beta 009 - " Honest " ( 13 )
Last edited by Sage on Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:30 am, edited 4 times in total.
Almost Famous
Posts: 542
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:40 pm

Re: The Experiment Kids Plot

Postby Sage on Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:54 pm

[ Timeline ]
Year - 7
Abel, aged 8, accidentally murders a family member and is exiled from his noble house. Upon entering the woods at the edge of his country, is stalked by an unnamed creature, and meets Helena Voltaire, who saves him.

Bliss, aged 13, is attacked in his home. Bandits raid his family's possessions and murder them, leaving him alone. They then burn down his house.

Year -5
Claire, aged 10, is attacked in her home. Meets Xavier.

Year 0
3 Years after The End, Sieg Warheight takes the throne forcibly from his brother, begins active testing on Subjects 1-9 throughout the first year.

Year 1
Present-day Dystopia
Almost Famous
Posts: 542
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:40 pm

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