“You're damn straight there.” Her voice sounded pained, but she'd lie if he inquired about it. While she wasn't directly in his path of sight, she took the chance to check her leg out. The puncture wounds while fairly small, were in abundance. Not to mention they were making her leg hurt along with sore muscles.
“Random question. Is there anything kinda antiseptic here?” Fact was, she couldn't really hide it from him. Even if she wanted to, her dress at the moment didn't really allow for it to be a secret. Just how badly it all hurt, was something she wasn't willing to admit out loud.
“Man...what a crazy turn of events.” It was said more to herself then to him, but surely he had to be thinking along the lines of the same thing. From assassin to hero...from date to...damsel in distress? Hell no...that wasn't really her style. None the less.....he had saved her.
Pulling her legs up, she tucked her shirt down between her legs, holding it there with her fists. Lazily she laid her head back against the head board and inhaled rather loudly. “So, whatcha wanna do until we head out?”