Usurii sat back, slouched in the couch and folded her arms over her diaphragm. She refrained from sighing. She was happy Isac was trying to help, but . . .
"If you don't know where they are, then how can you find them?"
She averted her eyes and stared at the floor. It was times like these that Isac's memory would have been greatly beneficial to all of them, but that was regrettably not an option. At least, not a viable option. Usurii wasn't going to hurt him for her sake, survival instincts or no.
"It's a big world, Isac."
And their travel was fairly restricted, especially if they weren't going to go through the usual means. There were specific Ersatzshad that could send a person to a particular place, but they were contracted. You had to get through a bit of bureaucracy--including a lot of explaining "why" you were leaving--to get the go ahead to leave.