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Luna Crying

Small villages run by anarchists, religious fanatics, or those who just wish to live off the land, it is a place ravaged by time and nature. Wicked fauna and flora alike form monstrous habitats out of once peaceful ground, but the ever-present human threat lurks ever-present on civilization's mind.

Luna Crying

Postby Toneh on Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:17 am

Fire, blazing burning fire was the only way to describe how the desert sky above New Zion looked as the sun began dipping down into the horizon. Pinks, reds oranges, all painted the dying day sky as the sun and earth commenced with their eternal dance.

Of course this was not what Ira was initially thinking. He never paused to admire the beauty of these spectacles, this beautiful sky was about as enticing as a lynched body hanging at the gate to a run down town in the outside. It was a warning to him, a notification that soon the world would once again be engulfed in darkness. Really that was what made the night so terrifying for the people on this world. Man in his hay day had gone through great pains to beat back the darkness that swallowed half of his world, and in the end the darkness still won. Though the darkness did not scare Ira in the least, it was mostly the damn things that came out at night that scared him.

During the day, the predators were lazy, they lounged around to conserve energy during the extreme bouts of heat, so they were mostly active during the mourning hours and early evening. But even they could be easily spotted.

At night strange noises could be heard, sinister almost alien beast came out at night, and unlike the day predators, they had little fear, and were extremely tenacious and aggressive.

Ira began strapping his mask to his face, and slid his goggled down over his eyes, his night vision immediately compensating as the day light grew less. His re-breather whirred and began forcing cool air into his nostrils and mouth.

The people of the town all crept into their homes and locked their doors, much as they did every night.

Except this was no ordinary night. 12 people had gone missing, the strange dark skinned man and the little mechanic girl had utterly vanished, and ten other who were building an irrigation system from the river, had not returned for nearly two days.

Ira would not charge blindly into the wastes and slaughter who ever was behind it, no he would wait, on the northern tower of this tiny village and watch for any sign of the perpetrators of these vanishings. A village in the outside was not an easy thing to miss. But ten hard working people turn up missing, it was most certainly time for a bug hunt, and a bug hunt was something the ANC happened to specialize in.
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby paper_stars on Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:52 pm

Aaron was in the room the preacher man had given her to stay in; as the sun was setting outside she was changing from the sun dress back into her jeans. She hummed a little melody as she slipped the dress off and yanked on her dusty old jeans. Some folks had gone missing, though Aaron wasn’t one to get involved in such matters she had a small inkling to get her hands dirty tonight. Ah well, who was she kidding, Aaron had a soft spot for nice people and most of these folks were nice. Someone was even nice enough to give her an actual cowboy hat; they had seen the spurs on her boots and handed the hat over without so much as a word.

After she tucked her shirt in and fashioned her belt around her waist Aaron picked up the brown leather cowboy hat. It was pretty well worn in, stained on the edges. “Authentic. “ she chuckled and plopped the hat onto the top of her head. It fit perfectly.

Once she was fully situated she decided she’d take a casual walk, with a cigarette. When she stepped out past the doors of the church she pulled the little box of matches out of her pocket and lit the thing. She inhaled deeply forcing the harsh smoke down into her lungs and temporarily holding her breath for a few seconds before releasing.

It was a beautiful scene to behold, as the sun painted the sky all different colors, showing the hidden beauty of the world. But not everyone would see it that way, they saw the sun’s leaving as something terrible because of all the creatures that came out to play. It was really a shame, how something like that could ruin a beautiful sunset.

There would be a question she’d ask herself however as she started down the steps and start her walk down the road. Would she ever want to change it? Some people would say yes, some people would say they wished they could go back in time to stop the cause of their destruction.

What would she say?

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly as she smirked a bit. One of her hands dangled at her side while she walked down the road, while the other reached down to wrap around the handle of her blade.

“It’s time to play.”
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Kings Anointed on Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:08 pm

Gabriel was in his room praying he'd been alerted of the twelve who had yet to return from the trip to the north, this grieved his heart and he'd not eaten anything all day. Fasting with prayer is the act he was doing. The giving up of one's own supplication and praying in order to seek God to to show Him that Gabe was serious and earnestly holding out hope the group was still alive. "Oh Lord please bring those men home safely please God, do not take them from our small town I ask you rebuke the devourer of men which prowls through the night, satiate that beast's hunger with something else in the place of those people still out there!" Gabe cried out from his inner most being on his knees." PLEASE LORD SPARE THEM!" His petition could be heard by Aaron as she stepped out for her walk. He raised his hands while in his prayer closet and tears flowed down his soft cheeks.

During this practice of "Fasting" Gabe had not eaten not only for the day that'd come and is now passed but for the day and night before this. He'd only left his knees for the drink of water but took no bread or meat to those who offered it to him and many had even Aaron at one point. No, Gabriel was focused intently on not eating until he heard from the Lord on the fate of those who'd journeyed out. That or until they returned home safe and sound. However, this practice was waning on him regardless of his youthful body and spirit. The possibility and in all likely hood, reality of them not returning was agonizing. To be faced with having to bury more empty caskets in memory of towns people that were his dear few friends, who've ventured out to the north passage and not returned. The needing to pray for and over family members and friends of family to mourning. It was all his responsibility to over see. He was their social and spiritual leader and is the reason why they've not all jumped out into the chasm after pushing their children over.

Gabe sighed softly after worshiping and pushed himself up from his now soar knees and sat on his bed hanging his head softly and weak. "God I know you're listening and I know you care for us for it's the very reason we're all still here." With that he got up and walked slowly from his room and slipped his shoes on and headed out side for some fresh air. He was only a few steps behind Aaron and caught the door behind her and closed it behind him. He called out to her. "Mind if I join you on your walk?"
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby paper_stars on Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:33 pm

When Aaron heard Gabe’s voice she stopped walking, as she did she removed the blade from the makeshift sheath on her belt. Her back was to him as he walked up behind her, there was something on her mind and she was going to share it with him. “I’m going to tell you something.” She turned around so that she could face him. “I do appreciate the fact that you pray for those people who have gone missing. I see nothing wrong with that and I will not mock you for it.” However there was a ‘but' to her words.

“But I think you are nothing but an idiot.” Aaron truly felt that way, Gabe was so wrapped up in god that he could not see what was going on around him. That his action to not act but sit and mourn would not help, or save anyone. Praying can only go so far and so many people pray, Gabe might not be heard. “You sit in your room and you starve yourself, in turn for starving yourself you weaken your body. You lose your physical strength and your emotions over whelm you. What good are you to us? How can you help us when you are now weak. How can you –help- those people by starving yourself? I understand the concept behind it, that they may be suffering so why should you eat? Why not suffer with them?”

Aaron shook her head. “It’s the wrong way to do it, fasting will –not- save them, if they are alive they will only be saved by actions. Your actions are wrong and you are now worthless to help them and that is weakness.” She was disappointed in him in truth because all he did was pray and starve. He did nothing else.

“You are now weak, and when the battle does come you will be in the way you cannot help them the way you are. “ Her face would take on a more serious expression and the emotions in her eyes would be shadowed.

“When the time comes, you go back into your church and pray, thats the only place you belong. “

Aaron then turned her back to him and started to walk forward. I shall walk into the valley of death. She thought with a small sneer. “God is your weakness, Gabe. He should be your strength but you have made him your weakness, so therefore you have already failed those people.”
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Kings Anointed on Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:59 pm

Gabe looked at her softly listening completely. Her words hurt him but he felt they had a ring of truth to them. "You think my strength has become my weakness?" He pointed towards the inn for the town which indeed was still open and stayed open with food for travelers and him because often prayed and fasted for many different things. "I came out to you thinking I could interest you in a bite at the inn considering they cook better than I do." He paused for a moment taking in a deep breath of cool night air, then spoke again. "You think me weak and weak minded, all of you outsiders think just the same. 'Oh he's just a silly preacher man who's so spiritual he's no worldly good.' I measure out the appropriate time for prayer and yes now is the time to work. Indeed it is. To do nothing less would be as bad as murder, no worse."

He sighed softly and began walking toward the Inn without looking back to see if she would follow him or not. If she did he would be glad to have her join him but he didn't let his hopes of it soar to high. "Hey Horas, open up it's me Gabe." The Inn Keeper opened up for Gabe and welcomed up for Gabe. "Please keep the door unlocked for the woman out there she may join us, but if she passes lock it until I leave." Horas agreed and went to prepare Gabriel a good meal and extra for the potential guest.
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Toneh on Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:52 pm

Ira stood n the tower looking over the now shadowy landscape, but he silently listened to the rather fruitless banter between Gabriel. He maintained his silence. The Girl was attempting to leave the town, and this very much conflicted with his own plans.

“I’d go back inside with the preacher if I were you.” Ira’s voice was muffled by his re-breather, but it was certainly loud enough to cut through the silent twilight air that saturated the locked down town. As he spoke his armored hand reached over and secured his rifle which was resting against the guard line on top of the tower. He shouldered the weapon. He would allow the girl her witty retort, and no doubt she was capable, but Ira usually found the outsiders cared little for others and preferred to go with what there own egos beckoned them to do.

Of course through her need to berate Gabriel, she had ignored the fact that she was standing next to a rotting corpse that was laying in the dead center of the town.

“I could use the extra bate, but you can go ahead and fuck up my little trap and get your self killed, rest assured 12 people are missing….two of them just as capable as you, how long do you really think you can last at night any how?”

(Night traveling in this world is next to suicide.)
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby paper_stars on Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:19 am

Aaron didn’t say any more to the preacher man, she said what she wanted to say and she would leave it at that. She paid no mind to him as he went into the inn to get a bite or whatever else he planned. Now he wants to eat. She shook her head to herself, and side stepped the corpse lying on the ground next to her. The body really didn’t bother her, she’s been around plenty and has taken lives. It’s nothing new.

Did she have a witty retort to the man in the tower? Ya she had one, but she decided to hold that retort back. In truth, she wasn’t thinking about herself this time or her ooberly large ego. Her mind was on those missing people, it really was a shame. How long would she last? She smirked deviously glancing down at the blade in her hand. If only someone had asked her that long ago, maybe then if she retorted with a smart ass answer she could have jinxed herself. Jinxed herself into the fate of death. But she wasn’t that lucky. She got to suffer.

She didnt have any true idea how long she would last now, but she has lasted this long. Let the creatures of the dark come out and play, she wasn’t afraid. She’s travel through the desert, through the dark and she’s been alone. Given, she has seen the strongest of men taken down by horrible creatures..and yet she is left standing. Why? Luck perhaps, if you want to call it luck. Aaron was far beyond ready for her death. She has accepted it and has come to an understanding with it. There will be no remorse. No regret.

“Live bait.”

She pushed the tip of her blade slightly into the dirt in front of her and sat on the ground just a couple feet away from the corpse.

She placed her hands around the hilt as she stared out ahead of her. He could think how he wanted of her, she didn’t care. She wasn’t just some little girl who happened upon the town. She is a loner, a traveler and a killer. She will not fear the darkness, nor the creatures within it. It is time for those creatures to fear them.

Let them come.
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Kings Anointed on Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:35 pm

Gabriel ate fast but with manners until he was full, which wasn't terribly smart given his slightly emaciated condition. He could hear Ira's muffled voice from outside on top of the watch tower. Gabe was apprehensive to Ira's "suggestions" of locking the town down at night but truly had no means of arguing with the man. This man was a seasoned soldier and given their situation, they were in need of whoever they could find security wise. "Good food Horas I'm filled heartily thank you for the fine meal sir." Horas looked to him with sadness and asked if Gabe could come to the back and pray for his ailing wife, one of the singers who praises God in church on Wednesdays and Sundays. "Yes I will come to Erma and pray for her."

Wiping his mouth with his shirt Gabe got up and followed Horas to his wife's room. He could see that the melanoma had been spreading from her neck and further than her left breast which she showed him. "Please cover your self Erma I believed you when you told me my dear sweet friend." As she re-covered her self with the shirt, Gabe stood over her laying his right hand on her head and prayed that God would heal her. "Please Lord, cleans Erma of this poisenous affliction of her flesh God. Don't deptrive Horas of his dear wife. In Jesus name. Amen." Gabe smiled softly to the frail woman and stroked her white and black hair. "Let me know if there's any change by morning okay?" Erma nodded and Horas escorted Gabe out and thanked him for his time. "No problem Horas." Gabe smiled and rested his hand on the short mans shoulder before leaving the Inn.

Upon exiting he saw Aaron sitting in the street smarting off to Ira, next to her he saw a decomposing body. This trouble Gabriel a bit but he kept down his meal knowing he had to be strong before these outsiders. "What are you doing out in the middle of the road Aaron we should both be inside like Ira requested. Unless he asked you to come out and offer whatever services you can aid with."
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Toneh on Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:15 pm

Ira loomed over Aaron, and using his single eye he shifted a rather begrudging glare at her. She was in the mood for blood and determined to get her taste of it tonight. Fuck her, if she gets killed she gets killed. People die all the time right, the ones that live are the ones that hide. He saw the door to the ramshackle in slowly open. It was Gabriel who stepped out and immediately began chastising the young woman for being so damned defiant. Ira had his back to the distant horizon, so he was not paying much attention to what may have been moving in and around the village. From what he saw it was nothing but a bunch of wild animals. Their cries were growing louder with each passing moment as the darkness began increasing.

Ira inhaled deeply at his disdain for Gabriel’s presence. He was not the type to let a woman sit out here alone. No Gabriel would be just find looking over her, and not to mention his almost suicidal belief in god meant that he would try and best any fear he may have had.

Ira responded to Gabriel instead of the woman. “I didn’t ask her for shit, she came out here and sat her ass down right next to my bait.”

As he finished his statement to Gabriel the tower seemingly exploded. It was not in a flash of fire and ambient light that would illuminate the area. The explosion was dark, and sudden, their was no fire, only splinters flying in all directions. Ira flew from the tower and landed about ten meters from it onto the ground landing on his chest.

He let out a pain filled groan and started immediately crawling forward, his right hand landing onto the handle of his rifle. As he moved his left foot was dragging behind him limply through the dirt, a large trail of blood was forming. A moment later a defining crack of thunder would rip through the air.

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Re: Luna Crying

Postby paper_stars on Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:29 am

The corner of her mouth twitched a little. Preacher man had to pester her didn’t he? For fucks sake she was a damn adult and if she wanted to sit on her ass by a dead body she should be able to without anyone saying shit about nothing. Her temper was starting to rise. Why did he have to but in? he should have stayed in the Inn like he planned to do. If she wanted to run around naked she would and no one could say anything about it. She wasn’t a –child- , and preacher man had no place to chaste her for her choice.

Aaron stood from her position that she was actually relaxing into until she was so rudely interrupted by Gabe’s concern. If she wanted to risk herself getting killed, she had the right too. It’s not like she was stupid, she knows what she’s doing and knows that it puts her in danger. Of course, she didn’t have the chance to say a word about it as Ira spoke for her. So to speak.

But that wouldn’t be the only reason she wouldn’t have the chance to say anything in return. Her hand tightened around the hilt of her blade as her head turned toward that strange ‘explosion’. “That’s human.” Ira’s body went flying through the air and landed on the ground.


It was suppose to be animals they were up against, not people. People were worse than animals. Aaron would completely forget about Gabe and go running to Ira. Shit shit shit. Ira was the strongest of them all, now he was injured. Aaron could see the dark blood soaking the earth below him; he was badly injured and that may put him out of commission.

As the voice broke through the air after the nearly ear shattering sound, Aaron had her top T-shirt ripped and off.
Whether he wanted it or not, Aaron quickly tied her shirt as tightly as she could around the injury that was pouring out the most blood. It would save his life, help slow the bleeding.. but depending on how bad it was it wouldn’t stop it. It would do until they got him inside and someone else could help him.

“How about you drop your fucking guns you bitches and maybe we’ll show you some damn MERCY!”
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Kings Anointed on Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:15 am

Gabe saw the rounds nail the tower and Ira's falling body. He saw it all and it all happened in slow motion until impact but he remained calm eerily calm. He saw the invading force coming and making their threats. He went quickly to Ira and helped him and moved both of them out into the center of the street hoping he could aim his gun. "You people had better leave. We are welcoming to all save for your kind who ravage, lute, and plunder places. Turn back now and your blood will not be spilled."

Guards and a minute men assortment gathered round Gabriel and Ira. Their weapons drawn, loaded, and aimed toward the direction of the attacking force. There were also countless others on the sides of buildings waiting in the shadows, his men stood bravely one also handed Gabriel a fine magnum from their belt.

In the midst of the destruction, he had lost track of Aaron but he he knew she could care for he self. However, he did call for her. "Aaron are you alright!?"
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Toneh on Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:50 am

“Mother…fuckas..“ Ira moaned as he seemed more focused on handling his weapon then actually doctoring him self p. While coherent, his movements were off. He was dazed, and trembling from the pain of his rather serious wound. His left leg was severed just below the knee. The bone was shattered, chunks of flesh coated the outer armor, and the plate were ripped open at various points and held together very loosely. But considering the medicine technology available to them, their was little chance the leg would be saved.

Ira held his weapon and “DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” he would snarl at Gabriel’s men as he seemed to suddenly snap back to life. He leapt up, on to his feet, but sadly as he shifted his weight on to his ruined left foot, he toppled over, but managed to save him self from landing on his face. It was at this point the reality settled in for Ira. He was maimed. He was becoming exceedingly spacey, and incoherent as his re-breather pumped pure oxygen into his face, thus calming him down.

Ira then, gingerly and silently stretched out his ruined leg. His gloved hand would reach to around to his right hip and grab a thick, compact medical bag. Ira removed four prepared syringes, and began administering various shots directly into the wound. The effects were almost instantaneous. The pain began vanished, the bleeding slowed and started rapidly clotting.

Their was no rage, no out burst, just a drugged up Man, sitting on the ground, his single eye staring at the life ending wound that was inflicted on him.


If the expected a conversation with their attackers, they would be sorely disappointed. The attackers, and the voice were well out of range to be able to hear any kind of retort, not to mention the fact that their weapons could very easily hit the town and its inhabitants, where as conventional fire arms would be worthless at such a range, as well as the fact that Gabriel’s men did not have any way to pierce the darkness.


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Re: Luna Crying

Postby poonwrangler on Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:39 am

That crack of thunder sent caused Francisco to jump. He had heard that noise before, except this one was much louder then the one he had heard about two days ago, and it was also much closer then before. Francisco rose to his feet, and immediately began pulling his pants up over his naked skin. The night air was crisp and cool, and felt good against his flesh as he solemnly reached over and his right hand wrapped around the grip that hugged the short stubby barrel. He then, reached down to his pants and quickly threw his suspenders up over each shoulder, and fully clothed, but his chest still bare, he would walk over to the rocky out cropping and begin peering over into the land scope. He unlike most people did not squint his eye and look through the scope, rather, he placed his fingers around the grip of the gun and gently touched the trigger.

He was letting the rifle see for him, different technology…more advanced, but at the same time simpler. “F-u-cking sexy..” He mused with his soft, though almost gravely voice. He could see everything, to him this night world was painted in a haze of greens and blacks, living organisms were a bright hot white in this darkness, and he could literally zoom in and see the facial expressions of potential targets.

What he was how ever was New Zion, and that fallen soldier. Off in the distance how ever he could see them, seven figures standing 4783 feet away. He could not make out the details of their appearance..he zoomed in, and saw that they were spaced apart evenly, They also hard what appeared to be a rather bulky vehicle with them.

“Hellooo beautiful…” He said as he zoomed in on the vehicle.

“Hey mami…” He said as he turned his head back to where he was resting. There the little scavenger girl would be sleeping, wrapped up in his duster coat, her naked feet rubbing against each other. His voice was seductive, but enticing, she would probably be drawn to it much as he was in the beginning. “Oh maaamiii…” He sang in a soft voice. “I think your town is in trouble.” He said smiling softly, and turning his head back out to look at the seven figures off in the distance.
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby paper_stars on Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:49 pm

“uh..” They all clustered together and dragged Ira out into the middle of the town. They draaaagggged an injured man, whose literally bleeding to death into the middle of the fucking town. Rule. Of. Thumb. You don’t move the injured until your know what the injury is. Hell he could have a broken spine for fucks sake if they moved him it’d make it worse. Not to mention the fact that Ira’s a dumbass and fights them, therefore probably making this worse and taking attention from the situation at hand. Aaron looked away from the messy situation. “Fuck.” They were fucked, if these guys had the weaponry to blow Ira out of the tower the second they come through those gates everyone that now happened to rush into the middle of the town will be killed.

It’s going to be a massive blood bath.

If they were military, they would have on that fancy armor. But why the hell was the military attacking the town? Aren’t these guys supposed to be helping the people?

“Am I alright?” he was asking if she was alright..hell no she wasn’t alright. She was pissed. She was pissed because there was going to have to be a choice. Either they stand as they are and attempt to fight and die. Or they surrender. If they surrender…

She took a deep breath. Damn it Aaron, either way the town is doomed. If they surrender, they can save some lives. “Gabriel.” Aaron called out to him, she knew he’d hear her as well as everyone else that gathered around. They may think they could fend them off. But for how long? And for how long would the gate hold against their force? They probably have extremely advanced weaponry compared to this town. As the man started to count outside. “You need to lower your guns Gabriel, you all need to lower your weapons.” There was no winning it, if they got through the blood will spill. Aaron wasn’t going to stick around for that. She shoved the blade into her sheath and turned to glance back at Gabe and Ira.

“You have to surrender, don’t fight them.”

Then she bolted, she ran into the darkness between two of the buildings as she disappeared. She wasn’t going to be standing there right when they burst through the gates. As she bolted, she maneuvered around the buildings until she got into the church. She didn’t have much time, so she grabbed her backpack and as she left the church she removed the belts around her waist. She removed all of her weapons, and took out the little hunting blade.

She’d put all of her things in a trash can so it’d be safely hidden away. The only thing she kept however was the hunting knife.

By now they should be attempting to come through the gates and she’d be out of sight.
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Re: Luna Crying

Postby Kings Anointed on Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:30 pm

He heard their count and Aaron's words, he even watched as she ran off into the darkness. "God give us wisdom." Gabe prayed then told his men, "Lower your weapons and someone start opening the gate..." He sighed and holstered his weapon where it came from which was to it's owner. "Ira, good to see you're alive and aren't broke back. You wouldn't happen to know these people attacking us would you?" Gabe wasn't mad, he wasn't panicked either, he was simply asking their resident soldier questions to keep the other men from panicking. Even when times were like this or similar Gabe never panicked ever. He was concerned fro the others though, they were his worry and responsibility.

He also signaled to the men on roof tops and in hiding to drop their weapons and raise up something white and wave it to signal their surrender to the outsiders. There was hesitation but a few long seconds later, they complied with his signaling.
"Lord prepare our hearts and be with us for whatever comes after this. Either good or bad I will praise you. As for me and my house, we shall serve you God. Amen."
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