by Shin on Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:29 am
(Noted! I did have something else in mind, but I decided I would appeal towards Kaisers treasure hunting side. Not something I think either character would kill the other one for really... but surely beat senseless.)
What were the odds Davlamin wondered? That two adventurers came into the same dungeon at the same time, by two different entrances and ended up in the final vault at the same exact moment. It wasn’t like either of them could simply grab the treasure and dash either, the crystal, as large as a human head, pulsated with a magical power that was protected by a strange multicolored magical wall, whose effects Davlamin could only guess at. Not to mention whatever mundane traps were in place, Dav had never been good at disabling those traps, he hated them.
Davlamin had started off in the crypt of a lich (a horrible place to start looking)and ran for his life, got lost underground, got captured by slave traders, escaped and had somehow bumbled his way along the corridors steadily working his way higher and higher. Now, after the gods only knew how long, he stood at one entrance to the vault, it’s sides littered with mounds of gold and other unknown treasures.
The size of the room was impressive in and of it self, easily the size of any coliseum Dav had been in, with large pillars that would take three or Davs with his arms wide to reach around supporting the twenty foot high ceiling.
When he had started his little foray he hadn’t expected to find treasures such as this, but now that he was here there was no way he could simply walk away. There was too much treasure, too much magic and to much history in this room.
Yellow tinted eyes narrowed into slits as he stared at the man on the other side of the room, and though he was a distance away Dav could tell he had also just found the vault, which meant the exit was also through that door. Dav thought momentarily about offering to split it… but quickly pushed that aside, this was to be his treasure he decided. He needed the large crystal.
He wanted to say something, but nothing came to mind and so he strolled towards the center of the room, hand on the hilt of The Everflame, to meet the other individual and possibly, just maybe come to some sort of agreement, though Dav highly doubted it.