The city was in ruins. The once proud stone and wood buildings were nearly all destroyed, out of the thirteen marble towers that had dared to touch the clouds one was standing, and even then the integrity of the tower was such that it could topple over with the slightest breeze.
The city itself was nearly empty, not even a cockroach had survived the horrible event that had taken place here. A battle of likes the world had never seen, of that Shin was sure. The evidence was a clear as day. Some building burned by magic, others stained in blood with large gashes made by weapons in their walls. What had happened to all of these people he wondered?
The Azure Enigma stood atop one of the larger buildings that had somehow remained untouched during the fighting. It was also one of the furthest buildings away from the port, where the majority of the fighting had taken place. It seemed that the closer one got to the port the more the destruction became apparent. The tails of his long, black coat, trimmed in blue flapped lightly in the breeze rolling off the ocean, carrying with it the smell of death.
It appeared that some sort of magic had been used to carry whatever bodies were here out to sea. It didn't make any sense to Shin, could such a powerful magical spell exist? A spell capable of clearing out an entire city of its inhabitants? Or were the people here disposed of by another means?
It didn't matter. There was something else here, something intangible that pulled at Shins senses something that gave him an urge... to not just kill, but destroy. Other then this feeling, this command, he was himself in every way. He didn't fight it either, the feeling seemed natural to him.
Unknown to Shin, he was under the effect of the city itself. The city was alive. It wanted bloodshed. Anyone else caught inside the city would feel the same natural urge to kill, to seek out and destroy. Was this what had happened to the inhabitants? Shin also knew, somehow, that he could not leave. The city wouldn't let him go... not until he was the last one standing.
"So be it.." Shin spoke, not in his gender neutral tone either, but in the tone of the Tenken, a man born to kill. From his high position he began to search for life to snuff out, something to sink his blade into, something to kill!