( An epic battle destined to take the course of many moons! Hopefully. )
Diamonds against a vast black curtain, their light memorizing to Shin Shiden. He laid on his back, arms outstretched as the wind gently rolled across the hills, giving the tall grasses a rolling effect. Laying amongst the grass that normally came up to waist height he was virtually invisible. He lay immobile, taking in the sweet and comforting scent of a battle completed.
Despite the serene and calm nature of the night it had been anything but that mere minutes ago. Bodies lay around Shin Shiden, a bakers dozen dressed in armor native to that of a Cizokian Samurai, many of them gripping their weapons even in death. Shin had to commend the fallen warriors, not a one had begged for their life and not a one had screamed out in pain while Shin executed them.
The smell of blood was comforting to Shin, it brought him peace in the sort of way a monk might find it meditating or a armor smith who lost himself in the work. In Shins outstretched arms, still gripped tightly in each hand were his own weapons, two katanas that shimmered under the stars and full moon still wet with blood.
Shin should have know better then to travel back into Cizokian lands, he was still a wanted man and with his abnormal blue hair he was an easy man to pick out of any crowd. Still, the chances he would happen a large patrol were rather slim. He decided it was a testament to his bad luck.