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A Face in the Crowd.

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A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:19 pm

The landing was soft and gentle, even in the cramped space she managed to shove herself into. It wasn’t the first time she had been on an aircraft, and surely it wouldn’t be the last time either. She honestly wondered what it would be like to have a good seat, on paid for, and get to see the view from above, but lets face it, she’d never have that kind of cash.

With a subtle bump, she knew they were anchored, and while she wanted to get out and stretch, she sat still and listened. She’d wait some time before she emerged from her hiding place, not wanting to deal with the law end from stowing away.

With a weary yawn, she managed to get herself out and away without getting caught, per her usual. Her arms stretched toward the heavens as she moved to work out all the kinks in her lithe form. She wasn’t sure where she was, or where she was going when she left, but none the less, this was home, least for now.

Leaning against the nearest building, she took in a deep breath and looked around. No one seemed to bother her, or even take interest in her, which was a good thing. Digging her hands deep in her pockets, she looked to see how much money she actually did have. With the shops and what not around, her belly was telling her she hadn’t eaten for some time now. And while, she would normally just take whatever she wanted, or scam her way for a free meal, with her just getting there, she decided to keep the attention of herself.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:01 pm

The last time Xavier had been in Algeroth, he had been in the Metsuke, soulbound to them until such a time as it were to part with his body. And so it had. Regardless, he chose to avoid confrontation with members of his older life. Those who were important enough knew of his sacrifice and resurrection, and to the rest his information was released posthumously so that the masses could hail him as a hero. It was not the practice of Metsuke agents to be known by the public, even after death, but occasionally when one served so exceptionally as to be recognized, they were worshiped by the people as holy. Saints among mankind.

Xavier was one such example, failing and dying though he had, the feats he had accomplished in life had been extraordinary examples of heroism and skill. He wore a thin riding cloak over his head so as to disguise himself to some degree, though he made little effort to keep his identity a secret. Metsuke agents, once their information was released, were known to be dead. Any resemblance he might bear to the deceased Xavier Gottheit was made to seem purely coincidental, resulting in idle chit-chat about the man with the occasionally observant passerby, and then he would go about his business.

He didn't even bother to change his name, it was not asked of him, a quiet mercenary, enough to warrant such an action. He rarely traveled to the capital city, and outside these walls even Saint Xavier was just another figure in Algerothian history, and quickly forgotten. He enjoyed the freedom he enjoyed now. He worked when he chose, to fund himself or cure boredom, and when he was sated and paid he was free to go where he might. He left his armor at a checkpoint somewhere along the outer walls, though it was not unusual to see armed travelers, and so he was allowed to keep his weapons on him, as most were allowed.

In response to this freedom, however, there were constant patrols and documentation was required of individuals seen bearing arms. Xavier had been granted a rare immunity from this. A tattoo just above his left wrist, the mark of the King himself which excluded Xavier from these rules. The mark itself was nothing special, and easily imitated, but the magic behind it was not. Algerothian guards could tell the difference thanks to the lingering golden aura which the King's magic left behind on these marks.

" Danke, ziremann Beaux. "

The balding merchant bowed meagerly, glancing the mark on Xavier's wrist as he handed over a handful of coin in exchange for a finely carved rosewood box, which he hefted in his left. It was a simple enough object, lined with velvet and cut with small dividers on the inside, with the symbol of the crown burned into glossy wood on it's face. It was a common trinket vended by the citizens of Algeroth, who enjoyed a large flow of business selling artifacts and souvenirs with the genuine brand of Algeroth's Monarchy.

The young man stepped back from the canvas top of the man's stall and stared upward, light reflecting sharply off his golden irises as he inhaled fresh air, glad to be able to enjoy the afternoon without fear of dying or running out of time to end someone's life. He tucked the object carefully in the bend of his arm, and set off randomly toward another cluster of shops near the airport, where a load of travelers had begun swelling out from. Merchants who were lucky enough to secure a spot near the port often set about audibly offering deals as people arrived, and he was sure to find one or two bargains in that direction.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:02 pm

She couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. The air was fresh and intoxicating, birds singing their tunes, she smiled to herself and nodded; this could very well be somewhere she stayed for a while. With that thought in mind she approached a small cluster of shops and made nice as she looked through the trinkets. Every place she had ever been had shops like this, but these trinkets seemed to be worth more then they were being sold for.

Scooping some coins from her pocket (that she had stolen out of luggage on the airship) she bought herself a small puzzle box. She handed the man more then it was worth, refusing to take any change, smiled, and returned back to leaning against the wall.

While she often found herself thieving for the things she needed and wanted, often times she would over pay for things, perhaps in her mind, making the fact she stole to being with alright. Diligent fingers went straight to work twisting and turning the delicate box. Puzzle were always something she found interest in, almost to the point of obsession.

This one however, was tricky. She bit her bottom lip concentrating on the colors of the gems, and just when she thought she had conquered the box, she realized there was still one stone out of place. “Damn it!” She quickly looked up to see a few passers by glancing at her and shaking their heads, and it quickly became apparent to her that it was obvious to them she wasn’t from there. He attire was different, her voice, everything........and that’s when she saw him.

He was as beautiful as the day was. As he stood there it seemed the sun fought the shadows to kiss his flesh. Taking note on the fact she was staring, she quickly looked away, fact was he looked like a law man, she seemed to have an eye for those type. Though she couldn’t help watching him, tossing a glance his way here and there. The puzzle box didn’t hold a candle to the attention she was offering this stranger in the crowd. A stranger that new of her as she did the land she was in, and it was probably best that way.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:59 pm

Xavier smiled to himself as he slowly made his way along the strip of occupied market stalls. The only female in his life was the one who had inducted him into the Guild, and she was more often than not trying to kill him in his sleep. And so to have the attention of such an attractive young lady was nice, even if the thought of what he did for a living would probably send her running and screaming in the opposite direction.

She didn't seem like she had enough room anywhere on her for a weapon, and she had a curiously disheveled look that one might acquire from cheap accommodations while traveling. But it was a look she managed to pull off quite nicely, making her seem more exotic and alluring than unkempt. Xavier was not one, however, to be affected by awkward social graces, and he did not bother to avoid going near her as he closed in one one last cluster of shops just to her left, which left them standing next to each other but facing opposite directions as he gazed into the booth.

After daring a glance over to the object she occupied herself with, he frowned. Xavier had always enjoyed the craftsmanship involved with all sorts of things, puzzles included. But despite his ability to solve problems on the battlefield, skill with objects such as hers had always managed to elude him. Even when he had seldom had time to spend fiddling with similarly difficult mechanisms, he had sunk hours untold with no successes to date. His mind quickly shifted gears however as he spotted something while browsing. Foreign shop owners like these rarely brought in objects as finely crafted or durable as the goods sold by Toryn's own resident merchants and citizens, occasionally he came across something worthwhile that was either imported unknowingly from a third party, or scavenged from military seizures or battlefields.

It was a magnificent belt, with several suspended hide pouches, all coated with gleaming scales. Genuine skin and scale from a Leviathan, the dragon's seafaring cousin. He held the thing up to the light, examining it carefully and ran his finger along a scale before running a drop of water from his water skin and running it along the crystalline structure. There was a sound like tightening leather, and blood ran free from a microscopic cut on his thumb, beading there as he grinned widely. Leviathan scales became razor sharp in water, and flattened themselves like knives, whereas normally they were thicker, and tough. Without a second thought he slammed down a medium-sized pouch filled with platinum coin, and paper notes without taking his eyes off his prize.

" You must be good luck. " It was out of his lips before he could stop it, and he snapped his gaze up quickly to the girl, an apologetic look in his eyes, but they were quickly back to admiring his purchase before he tucked it carefully away in his pack.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:29 pm

The way he moved was elegant, graceful like a dancer, a tell-tale sign of a true warrior, even to the untrained eye. She tried her hardest to keep her eyes on her puzzle box, but quickly tucked her hair behind her ears so she could watch him as he approached her, and the stable she was beside.

She turned, but not completely. His scent was of earth, but clean and everything about him seemed to be right in place. She caught the grimace he passed as his eyes landed on the box within her grip. She turned it and looked at it herself. Always the little things for her, maybe not so much for him, unless of course she misread his face...

As his attention shifted, so did hers. The belt he clasped in his hands was exquisite. She moved in closer as he dropped the water on the scaley pouch and let out a soft gasp as the scales became flat and cut into his fleshy thumb. Never before had she seen anything like this. What was this place? And then, lost in her thoughts for a moment, the sound of his voice broke her concentration and left her speechless for a moment, a rare occasion...

“I’ve been called many things, but I don’t recall lucky ever being one of them.” Her tone dripped with a sultry accent as she folded her arms beneath her breasts, trinket still in hand. “That’s interesting.” She nodded toward the belt he payed graciously for.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:09 pm

" And very rare. If you'd ever seen the beast that sheds the scales necessary, you'd understand why. " Xavier's tone was serious, and it would be obvious that this was not the first he'd seen of the scales alive or dead.

He managed to relax his shoulders, shaking off the images. " It's beautiful on it's own, but the real benefit is what it does for metal. If you plunge even the most common sword under water and sharpen it with those scales, you get a devastating edge. " All that was to respected about craftsmanship, creating form and function both so extravagant made him smile despite myself. Not that it was his duty anymore, he could sense the lack of proper identification on her person. Passes even to the most open areas were marked with the same types of aura manipulation as Xavier's tattoo, and though his ability to see auras was meager at best, he could see no contrasting colors in hers.

Lacking the skill of being able to properly identify auras, but having the potential was somewhat being colorblind in a whole other spectrum. If he focused, he could see tiny waves in flux dancing on her skin, but they were all shades of grey to him, and indistinguishable in terms of color. His own aura output was erratic, emitting in disorganized spurts of gold, but in massive quantities. Sieg had revealed to him that he had one of the largest reserves of magic he'd ever seen a Descendant, and mocked him for not being able to use them. He wondered to himself whether she was incapable of magic as most Descendants were, or if she were one of the blessed few who were given gifts from their ancestors.

" You're not from around here. " Social skills. Not Xavier's forte.

It was more of a statement than a question, and the sentiment he was trying to describe wasn't quite rolling off the tongue as well as he'd hoped. " That is, have you been here before? Maybe the young lady would like a tour? "
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:42 pm

There was passion behind his words as he spoke. As if he himself had once looked upon that “devastating edge” with purpose, but not for just any old reason....there was something more. It was her forte, to gather information when in a new place, and that was exactly what she planned to do, and it seemed she now would have help doing so.

“No, I’m not.” She was matter of fact, but not in a rude way, more of a “isn’t it obvious” kinda way. Then again, perhaps a more charming attitude would be more beneficial to her now. It wasn’t often that the folks in new places took well to new comers.

With a smile upon her face she extended her hand to him. “Franchescia, and I would be delighted if you would show me around.” She took another good look at him. While she assumed many people may find him brutish, it was obvious to her that he took great pride in what he did. An attribute many people overlooked, but many people, did not include her.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:40 pm

Toryn worked in an odd way. As it became later in the day, shops closer to the outer wall began to close up and the merchants would begin to move inward, making purchases at the innermost shops, taking advantages of the deals the actual citizens offered as dark approached. The Trade District did not shut down entirely until nearly midnight, but nearly everyone moved to the Inn, Taverns, and their own homes by then.

There was one last line of shops along with the inn rooms just inside the second wall. These were owned and operated by the Master Artisans who, for the most part, all required higher security clearances to do business. This practice came into place during the rule of Algeroth's last leader, who employed one member of each craft once a year and exempted them from the usual taxes and fees that went along with their work, so that they would only sell to Toryn and it's allies, and not just anyone who could get inside the city walls. Generally, foreign merchants and customers were not allowed into the Residential District until after dark, so that the guards could reposition themselves, leaving only minimal guards around the few open shops in the Trade District at night, along with the heavy guards and their patrols which were situation on the outer walls.

" Let's check the citizen shops here, then go to the Residential District. They have the best shops there. " Xavier took her hand, not knowing quite what else to do with it, and pulled her in the direction of some sturdier-looking structures than the stalls along the outside of the secondary wall of Toryn. Customary greetings in Algeroth usually involved class or rank, and as non-citizens, they were on the same footing and Xavier could not think of what she might have wanted him to do with her extended hand.

" My name is Xavier, by the way. I'm er, well, I suppose I'm a freelance...soldier. " Which was as nice as a way as he could put it.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:21 pm

She was in awe at everything that was going on around them. Everything seemed so organized and orderly, she was beyond excited to look around, and not just for informational reasons, either. One thing she learned rather quickly, and long ago was that nothing was ever the same wherever she went. Customs were always different, and in some places offending the wrong person could be a complete nightmare...

Before she could say another word to him, his hand wrapped around hers and he pulled her in the direction he was headed. Almost tripping over her own feet, she fell forward and quickly caught herself, wondering what the hell he was doing, obviously he was thinking the same about her.

“A pleasure to meet you Xavier.” Again she flashed him a smile. She was charming, and in most places attractive, and when need be, she would use that to her advantage. With him though, she didn't feel as though she needed to put all that out there. He didn't really question her, treat her as an outsider...it was nice for a change.

While she could offer him the same courtesy, she wondered why he had to think about his occupation. It seemed as if he was hiding something, and she gave him a half knowing look. “This place is really amazing. What is it called?” She knew she very well could come across ignorant, asking such a question, frankly she didn’t care.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:58 pm

Xavier raised an eyebrow as he looked over at his shoulder at her. Had she really come here without knowing where she was? It was an amusing concept and again he let an uncharacteristic smile go, before turning back to face the buildings ahead of him. " Well, you are in Algeroth. In our tongue, it means Land of the Risen Sun. This city is ancient, and is called Toryn, and is built around the massive Castle Warheight, which is inside the third set of walls that make up Toryn. "

Few people knew Toryn better than Xexoria. For years of his life it had been his soul purpose to serve and protect it, meaning he knew secrets about it's walls that a vast majority of the public, even the military, would never know.

" So...you've never been here before? From where do you hail...Franchescia, was it? "
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:05 pm

Finally catching up to him, she made no effort to remove her hand from his, but strode along with him at his side. His smile was charming, least to her, and one that deserved a smile in return. She listened and took in the sights as he went on about the city she was in. It was interesting to say the least, not just the information he offered her, but the fact that he knew so much. It made her feel as if not only was this his home, but it was important to him. That says a lot about a person.

“Yeah, Franchescia......Call me Frankie though." She flashed him a sweet smile. “Hail? Eh, here and there really.” She tossed her attention to the booths they walked past. What would she tell him, that she merely wandered around from town to town for no apparent reason save for the fact that she doesn’t have a life anywhere else? What might he think of her then?

She shook her head to herself. Never before had she cared what anyone thought of her, or how she lived her life, why start now? For some reason though, it was a thought not easily shook off.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:52 pm

Frankie. It suited her. She was beautiful in a roguette, wild sort of way, and the duality of her names reflected than that almost as well as her rebellious attire. Of course, Xavier couldn't speak. He shrouded himself in a think cloak to hide his identity and carried large exotic weapons which were far from military issue, and despite the amount of danger he seemed to be capable of, he was allowed to walk free.

" Frankie, is it? Well, welcome to my homeland. "

He still didn't know her well enough to quiz her on her heritage, and he doubted seriously she was even aware of her status as a Descendant, and what it might afford her here. He steered them in the direction of a large storefront which seemed to be made of a different, darker wood than the rest around it, and Xavier shot her a devious look as they entered, sending a tinkle issuing from a chime hanging above the door.

" This place is great. Out front they sell candied foods, and treats, but in the back they have all manner of devilishly fun little trinkets. "
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:48 pm

“So far the pleasure is mine.” She raised a brow almost playfully, before switching her gaze at the large storefront. It was bigger then the rest, with the most beautifully rich dark wood. Her lips parted in a silent gasp. She had seen so many things, things most people could never dream of, things everyone else would never see. She was fortunate in many ways, and ironically just as unfortunate.

Jumping slightly, she looked up at the chime above the door, but not so fast that she didn’t see the devious look he shared with her. Her eyes widened slightly as she offered him a look of her own, confusion mostly, but still.

His words continued on and she wondered what he meant by “devilishly fun”. Treats were nice, and even candied foods....but devilish trinkets...and fun.... “So....Xavier....elaborate on that last statement, please?” Her face lit up with a wickedly beautiful grin as she entwined her arm into his.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Sage on Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:26 am

Offtopic: Sorry for the delay, worlds to dominate and internet service providers to castrate, you know.

Xavier chose not to answer and simply smiled as he withdrew a small pouch from his pocket overflowing, oddly, with seeds rather than money and dropped it on the counter as he reached over it with his over-sized arm and peeled two steaming pockets of dough and fruit from within a carton with the letter 'X' hastily marked on the lid. He let out a childish sigh as he popped one of the large things in his mouth, a tiny bit of red goo dribbling out made-in slices on the top of the treat.

He made a muffled comment which was likely an attempt to get her to try, and handed her the other, never slowing down as he passed the counter and followed one foul smell along many sweet and appealing ones. It was faint, but when she got there, she would understand. Parallel to the row of shelves behind the counter where a tiny man sat stooped on his wooden perch, dealing with the money of the customers, far in a back corner of a store with four ill-maintained shelves labeled 'SEASONAL.

Sitting on the shelf were several packages of candies, many of which has transparent packaging of fibers and paper which revealed that the things inside were hardly recognizable, and were indeed the source of the very slight foul odor within the store. Xavier looked over his shoulder once, and looked back to Frankie and winked once before pulling her ahead straight into the shelf. The feeling was always odd, phasing straight through solid matter. The room they entered was much darker and less cheery than the sweets shop that was it's front, and a man dressed all in dark brown leathers turned at the sound of their arrival and flung out his arms, which both brandished deadly-looking wrist-mounted crossbows which were each meant to be pointed at Xavier and Frankie, respectively.

Xavier however, disappeared in a flash of grey and azure, a pale glint issuing off of his unusual armor as his cloaked flared around him, and again off a pair of swords as they snaked their way toward the aggressor. At the end of a second, the man stood with one of his crossbow strings sliced apart, with the other nailed firmly to the wall. The hand which sported the destroyed weapon now instead had slung out a thin blade which the man held against Xavier's neck, as Xavier's second sword pressed against his in almost an identical fashion.

The men stared at each other for what seemed like hours each with piercing and hardened expressions forged from having dealt in the business with Death and war, and then both expressions disappeared, almost instantaneously. Instead, they were replaced with laughter and a sudden jerking on Xavier's part, as he attempted to withdraw his sword from the wall and the delicate instrument strapped to the stranger without damaging either too much.

" Sorrry, old friend! What do you expect from me when a ghost comes gliding in my shop, all unannounced! "

" That's why you've got a box with fresh goodies out there by the Old Man, eh? Ha, good to see you as well! "

Even before they managed to untangle themselves from each other, both men's gazes would catch the girl's with unassuming and jovial expressions, as though this were a perfectly acceptable way to say 'Hello' in the man's shop.
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Re: A Face in the Crowd.

Postby Skylar on Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:03 pm

The treat was in her face before she realized what was going on. So much around them she couldn’t take it in fast enough. He munched the treat down like he was starving, but the twinkle in his eye was child like, a treat that brought back memories, and for a moment she found herself jealous.

Taking the treat he offered, she nibbled on it. With a smile and nod she admitted it did indeed taste delicious. She kept her hold on him though, not wanting to get lost in a strange place, with strange people, although he was really a stranger to her himself, she had claimed him anyways as hers, least as long as he would allow it.

As she raised the sweet to her mouth again, a horrid odor violated her scents. She turned her head slightly, but noticed the shelf with nasty smelling candies on it. With nothing but a wink, he headed right toward it...”Oh no I’m not.....”

Before another word could escape her lips she was not only upon the shelves but through them! She gasped and almost let out a scream until she realized they were on the other side of the wall. Turning back ever so quickly to examine what had just happened, she turned to Xavier..”What the....”

Again words cut short as she noticed things didn’t seem as cheery on this side of the wall. The man before them brandished weapons, and before she could do or say anything Xavier was gone! She looked from side to side, but....wait, he wasn’t gone? Then...friend? Wait..what?

The pastry hit the floor, along with her jaw. She had totally missed everything. Still confused about how they even got in here. Both men now stared at her, and with furrowed brows, she pointed behind them to the wall they had just seemingly passed through. Her lips parted but nothing came out as her pointing finger turned toward the other man. Shaking her head, she said the first thing that came to her mind... “Waste of a damn good pastry in my opinion.” She flashed a big hearty smile and made her way back to Xavier, offering him her arm again, if he wished to take it.
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