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 Post subject: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:58 pm 
Almost Famous
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There was about thirty of them, split into groups of five with several of the groups on watch or patrolling the perimeter. The individuals had no tabards, wore no colors, they had nothing on them to signify their allegiance. All of them were warriors of one type or another, each with his own individual talents and skills, a survivor of battles, each man a veteran of war.

The sun had sunk behind the horizon nearly three hours ago and since it’s light had faded several lights had sprung up in the single, large tent that dominated the plains. The tent, which was made to house all thirty men easily, held only a handful and out of the handful in the tent only three stood around a circular table, the rest stood guard.

“We can’t approach from the north.” A single, strong voice scolded. “It would be suicide.”

“Let me do it.” Another voice answered, it’s tone borderline feminine.

“God damnit, No! We work as a team, if we stand alone then we fall.” The third voice answered his tone more in control then the first man.

The first voice, belonging to an overly large man, with more muscle then Shin physically thought possible, spoke out again but was silenced by an upraised hand from the third man, Keno. The obvious leader.

“Torgu is right Shin, we can not approach from north. A direct assault would be suicide.”

“If the rest of the men cannot keep up then death is what they deserve.” The feminine voice took on a masculine edge that lacked the obvious respect Torgu held.

“Enough. I have hired a specialist, someone to help breach the front gate.”

Shin leveled his cold ghostly blue eyes on Keno with obvious anger. “Why hire someone what we can already do? Why give the glory to…”

“Do you question our lead..”

“Yes.’ Shin snapped at the muscular idiot. Tension filled the air immediately and both warriors rested their hands on the hilt of their weapons, waiting for the other to make a move.

“Enough!” Keno shouted, demanding Shin and Torgu’s attention. “We will wait, and when he arrives we will decide the best course of action.”

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:41 pm 
Belligerent Beaver
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The sky was clouded, occasionally obscuring what little light the young crescent moon provided. Even though Hisagi knew better from experience, his scout duty seemed pointless that night as he gazed across the dark plain, scanning for movement. Even in the low light, when the moon was not shrouded by the low clouds, it seemed Hisagi could see for miles around. Surely those on watch at the camp, visible as a dim pinpoint of light some distance behind him surrounded by small flurries of movement, would notice any sort of force moving out here long before it could be a danger. It was nearing time for his squad to return and be relieved, and Hisagi longed for a fire and a hot meal, although he doubted he would get either when he returned.

It was during one of the brief periods of inky darkness when the moon was covered that suddenly he heard Keigo, his squad leader, give a small sound of surprise to his right. As he turned, he heard Keigo deliver a challenge to the darkness.

"Who goes there?! Name yourself!"

Just then, the clouds drifted past, bathing the area once again in the moons soft glow, and Hisagi was startled to see a man stop only twenty paces away, looking as if he had been casually walking toward their camp! The man was very tall, appearing in the dim light to be well over six feet, and dressed in robes covered by a formal Haori. He wore a wide conical hat that was currently obscuring his face. What concerned Hisagi, however, was the scabborded sword that the man carried in his left hand, and especially the easy manner with which he carried it. True to his training, Hisagi immediately raised his bow, an arrow knocked and aimed at the man's heart. He heard the tension of three other bowstrings around him as his three fellows did the same.

"My name is inconsequential." The strange man's voice seemed almost amused, despite the tense situation. "I have been summoned to this camp. I am to see a man called Keno about a situation that requires my services. I presume you do not wish to impede me?"

Hisagi relaxed somewhat, although he did not lower his bow. So this was the so-called "specialist" they had all been told about. That partially explained how the man had been able to sneak up on them seemingly effortlessly. Still, Keigo had not relaxed his guard, and so neither would Hisagi.

"I have no such wish," replied the squad leader, "but I also have no intention of allowing an armed man unescorted entrance to our camp without first verifying his identity. For all I know you could be an assassin who killed this 'specialist' after torturing our location from him."

"Very wise of you in these troubled times." The strangers voice seemed even more amused now, as if he were laughing inwardly.

"Very well then." Keigo started to move toward the man confidently. "If you will simply surrender your weapon we will escort you to the camp."

"I think not." Keigo froze as the man's hand drifted to rest on the hilt of his sword. The change in the stranger's voice was astonishing, as if all amusement, in fact all emotion entirely, had drained out of it, leaving only frost turned to sound. It sent a chill down Hisagi's spine. "You may have your men keep their bows on me if it will comfort you, but no one touches my sword but me." He gestured with his hand for Keigo to lead the way, and it seemed it was not a suggestion. Catching the implication, Keigo angrily turned and motioned for Hisagi and the others to fall in around the stranger and silently struck out toward camp. Tension hung seemingly thick enough to choke off the air from Hisagi's lungs. All he could think was that a man like this, however needed his skills were, could only bring trouble.

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:31 pm 
Almost Famous
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It was obvious Shin was not pleased by Keno’s idea, bringing in outsiders was bad news. Especially since he had only just learned about it, given time the Tenken could have dispatched scouts of his own, those within the Black Company that were loyal to Shin alone. But as it was there was nothing Shin could do and so he took a seat in a hard wooden chair off to the side.

The other two men, Keno and his bodyguard and tactical advisor Torgu ignored Shin and bent back over the map. It was a fairly accurate representation of the Stronghold Tamna, a fortified building crafted many years ago when the area was an outpost for some long forgotten kingdom. Lord Telad kept the Stronghold well fortified and well defended with what Keno had estimated around two hundred and fifty guards, over double the hundred soldiers that made up this camp.

Keigo and his men would escort the ‘specialist’ to the single large structure in the center of the camp with out so much as another word to their guest. The man made all of them uncomfortable and for that reason their bows stayed trained on him throughout the escort.

“Greetings,” Keno greeted, waiting outside the tent with Torgu at his side. “I trust the journey here wasn’t difficult?” He asked off handedly, playing the part of honored host while gesturing the specialist into the tent and Keigo back to his duties with the other hand.

“I am Keno Tonalant, this is my trusted advisor Torgu and that over there in the corner is the leader of my special operations division Shin Shiden or betterlier known as the Ten..”

“Enough Keno,” Shin snapped from his seat. “he is here to lend his opinion on the matters at hand, not listen to you talk about inconsequential things.” Shin rose from his seat, azure eyes looking over the newcomer briefly before gesturing towards the table that was set up.

“Yes,” Keno replied in a tight voice, eyes burning holes into Shin as he stepped near the table. “Well, first your name? You came highly recommended from a source of mine. Then we shall conduct business.”

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:43 pm 
Belligerent Beaver
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The moment was at hand, but the strangely dressed man was hesitant to let himself get too excited by the prospect. After all, this was the third such moment in a year. A year spent sifting through rumors, stories told by travellars and peasants across three countries of a young master swordsman with luxurient blue hair, known to some as Shin Shiden but to most as simply the Tenken. Twice previously, he had tracked such rumors to their source, each time finding a petty bandit or mercenary with hair dyed blue, leading a group of rogues and wearing the mantle of the Tenken in a foolish attempt to garner fear in his prey. They had paid for their arrogance and for wasting his time with their blood. All of it.

But something about this time seemed different as he was escorted to the tent in the center of the camp. The men he saw were soldiers, veterans, not simply rogues and bandits. Their camp was orderly and disciplined. As Keno introduced himself, the newcomer bowed his head slightly and followed him into the tent, scanning the interior with unmoving eyes as he entered. Even though his eyes never left Keno as he introduced the other two, his vision was nonetheless dominated by the slim man sitting off to the side.

Yesssssss, yessssssssss! A soft, sibilant and yet insistant hiss sounded in what seemed his ear but was really only his mind. He ignored it utterly. Finally, his prey stood before him! The Tenken in the flesh, the memory of his face and his azure eyes imprinted, burned into Kensaki Kashou's mind, into the very core of his being!

Shin's eyes moved over him with no spark of recognition. Either the Tenken was as good at hiding his emotions as he himself was, or Kensaki's suspicions were correct. Shin Shiden did not remember; he still seemed arrogance personified, a walking picture of a man who considered himself superior in every way. No doubt Kensaki was merely one of hundreds for Shiden who had challenged his superiority over the years. If the lack of remembrance did not suit Kensaki's plans so well, he could have killed the man for that alone! But for now, he would play his part until the moment was right.

The tension between his enemy and the other two was palpable, and it did not slip Kensaki's notice. Inwardly, he mused over ways in which he could put such dissension to use as he bluntly addressed Keno, ignoring the other two. His face had remained a mask of calm throughout the exchange, despite his inner jubilation.

"You may call me Gaka, for now. As to business, we can first discuss the means in which you intend to put my skills to use. I will then be able to put a price to said services and we will find if we can do business together."

Kensaki moved toward the map on the table as he spoke, seemingly without regard for his own lack of diplomatic courteousy, removing his hat to let it hang behind from a string around his neck. He obviously expected the others to join him.

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:34 pm 
Almost Famous
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Shins eyes truly held not spark of recognition, they passed over Kensaki only briefly, pausing to look over the weapon he carried, but ultimately resting on the board he had just gestured too. He stepped up to the opposite side of it, directly across from Kensaki, with the other two men taking up positions on the other two ends, with Keno at the head.

“Of course.” Keno said as he gestured towards a the dominating building in the center of the display. “That is Stronghold Tamna, the pride and joy of Lord Telad.” He explained. ‘To the north, as you can tell, is the main entrance and strongest point in the wall that surrounds the hold. I would like to find a way to breach that gate, and enter through the northern end, however,” Keno paused looked to Torgu and Shin in turn.

“A direct assault is suicide.” Torgu finished, his eyes darting over to Shin waiting for the mans rebuttal, which never came. “I believe it would be smarter to find another means of access.”

“I agree, however, the Tenken has brought up a good point, a direct assault, while suicidal, if successful would send a message to Lord Telad and to the people. He would have no choice but to respond by sending his army at us, in a battle field of our choosing.”

As Keno and Torgu took their turns speaking Shin stayed surprisingly quiet, letting them finish before he spoke and before Kensaki would have a chance to interject.

“You tell but half my plan Keno.” Shin looked to Kensaki, gesturing towards the eastern wall. “Along the mid portion of that wall is a private garden of some lord, a few men could easily scale it, enter, make their way to the northern gate and dispatch any guards opening the gate before the city was alerted.” His eyes shifted to Keno then rested on Torgu. “I do not know what skills you possess. But there are those of us in the camp that are plenty capable of performing such a task, alone.”

As Shin spoke his last word his eyes narrowed back on Keno, and it would finally be Kensakis turn to speak, it would be only him that could identify where his abilities would best be suited and as the ‘Specialist’ Keno was obviously hoping he would find some answer to the situation.

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:13 am 
Belligerent Beaver
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"Master Shiden's plan is a good one." Kensaki's voice held the same amused tone Hisagi and his fellows had perceived. "One or two men could probably sneak through this garden easily to open the gates from the inside, probably before anyone inside became aware of their presence."

Kensaki looked each man in turn straight in the eye before continuing, the amusement in his voice turning to caution as he spoke. "However, what message, exactly, does such an act send? Does it provoke the opponent into charging out of his gates, as you hope, or does it actually teach him a lesson in the inadaquacy of his own defenses? Unless you intend to merely put up this Lord Telad's guard, I would suggest a slightly different approach."

Kensaki turned partially to directly face Keno, his face impassive. "What would you say if I told you that I possessed the power to not merely open these gates, but to blast them to rubble? To completely neutralize Telad's greatest asset, his stronghold? That, I believe, would adaquately send the desired message, and no doubt have his army marching within hours." His voice held no overtone of arrogance, no trace of hubris, which would probably be perceived as odd, considering the boldness of the claim just made.

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:19 am 
Almost Famous
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Keno ignored Shins statement and the look that followed; he had learned that ignoring him was simply the best way to put up with the Tenken. Kenos face brightened at Gaka’s words, that would certainly send the message he wanted too, but taking the forefront even before his own glory Keno had to wonder what sort of abilities Gaka possessed that would allow such a feat.

Luckily for Keno he rarely had to ask such open questions, “What sort of magic do you possess that can accomplish such a task?” Torgu piped in from the side. “Those gates are solid steel, with bars as thick as my legs. “ The big man was obviously disbelieving of Gakas skills, sure he carried a sword but to the big man he looked no more capable then any of the men standing guard right now.

Keno suppressed his grin and waited to see if Gaka would answer the question, the leader already knew that Gaka was not his real name, but he understood the importance of not telling him and let the lie slip by without care. He would have to know the man’s abilities however.

“Test him.” Shin stared back and forth between Gaka and Keno as if he knew what he was thinking. “To the east of the camp, no more than a few hundred yards is a field of boulders.”

Shin hadn’t even had to let the bait sink before he heard Torgus approving grunt. “Yes, if he can destroy a gate then surely a boulder should be nothing.”

Keno raised his hand to quiet the two and turned to face Gaka completely, allowing the man to answer the questions and the request.

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:21 am 
Belligerent Beaver
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The man who called himself Gaka stood impassively throughout the exchange, looking from each speaker to the next in turn, the corners of his mouth slowly rising into the slightest of smiles. Once again, his tone was that of amusement as he addressed Keno, is if this were all a joke or a game.

"You wish a display of my abilities, then? If it is not enough that I say I can do it, and that I would have nothing to gain from the situation by boasting, we may journey to this field immediately. I will turn a boulder to dust if that will satisfy you, and allow us to get down to business. There are, however, two things I should mention should you truly desire such a display. One: the use of my power is not without consequence or risk to myself, and such a wanton display will as a result cause my fee to rise. Two: I would advise against anyone standing too close when I employ my power, as it can be extremely dangerous. It will simply have to be enough to see the before and after unless you are willing to risk injury."

Kensaki once again looked each man in the eye, Torgu and Shin briefly but resting his gaze on Keno. All trace of amusement had evaporated, his face an emotionless mask. "So which will it be? An expensive show you cannot safely watch, or my word that the task can and will be performed?"

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:22 am 
Almost Famous
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Keno seemed trapped in thought, he was already paying the man an extremely large amount for his services. How much more would they rise? He looked thoughtfully at the board as he weighed Gakas words in his mind.

A technique that he couldn’t watch because it was too dangerous sounded like a bluff, however, he did not think Gaka was bluffing. It was likely a technique he did not wish anyone to see Keno reasoned. Keno opened his mouth, he had decided that perhaps they should trust the man, Gaka was right in that he didn’t have anything to gain from lying.

“I will accompany him.” Shin stated flatly, azure orbs locked onto Kensaki. “I will also cover the fee he charges. You have peaked my interest….Gaka was it?” Shins flashed a smile that was nothing short of arrogance. “The rest of you can watch from a safe distance away. Like good little mice.”

“Mice!? I should squish you right where….”

A silenced hand from Keno stopped Torgus monologue before it could start. “Very well Shiden. However, we will wait here and continue to get the troops ready as there is much to do. You two leave when you ready.”

Torgu was obviously surprised by the finality in Kenos statement, or did Keno know Shin was going to volunteer? The big man eyes the blue haired swordsmen with obvious distaste and then stormed out of the tent, retrieving the large claymore like sword as he left.

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:48 pm 
Belligerent Beaver
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As Shiden spoke, the newcomers gaze turned to meet his azure stare. If he was surprised by Shin's response, it did not show. The reference to his assumed name seemingly left him unfazed. His cold, dark eyes, unnerving to most caught in their frigid glare, lingered for a few moments before returning to Keno. He seemed to ignore Torgu completely as he left the tent, as if the man were beneath his notice.

"Very well," Kensaki replied, his tone cold and flat, "I am not pleased by your decision, but I will abide by it. Know this, however. Having warned you of the dangers, I will not be responsible for any injuries to Master Shiden during this little 'exhibition'. I would suggest sending two men with us to carry him back, because I don't intend to do it."

Kensaki turned to Shin, reaching behind him to pull his hat back into place as he did. "As for Master Shiden, I have a piece of advice for you: always negotiate price before an agreement is struck. My fee for my services has doubled. If you are ready, shall we depart?" He gestured for Shin to lead the way, but then turned back toward Keno after a moment, as if it were an afterthought.

"A piece of advice for you as well, Master Tonalant: it is only natural to be wary of the chained wolf; it may be unable to roam free, but one never knows when it will bite the hand that feeds."

Kensaki turned back to Shin without waiting for a response, once again gesturing toward the door.

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:13 pm 
Almost Famous
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There was no pretending for Shin now, he openly chuckled at the mans statement. If he thought his ability was that powerful then hopefully it would be.

“Many have made the same claim in my presence. And yet they are not even worth remembrance, I hope you don’t fall into the same category. As for your price, double will be worth it if your words ring true.”

There was no mockery in Shins voice, he was simply stating a fact, and his amusement was solely in Gaka’s own confidence. The man humored him, which for the moment was more then Shin could say for the rest of those in the Black Company.

He exited the tent, leaving Gaka to share the last couple words with Keno. Though the night was dark Shin didn’t bother to grab a source of light, if Gaka grabbed one then so be it but the Tenken did not need light to navigate.

“The field will be just over that ridge.” Shin spoke and gestured off to the distance, though it would be to dark to actually see the ridge he let that detail slip by him. To Shiden the picture could not be any more clear and though Gaka would not be able to see it Shins eyes were currently closed as he got a better ‘feel’ for the area and only after a moment of concentration Shin would lead the way towards the boulder field.

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:08 pm 
Belligerent Beaver
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Kensaki did not bother to take a lantern as he followed Shin into the darkness, but it did not seem impede his progress any more than it did Shin's. The two walked in silence, reaching the ridge that overlooked the field of boulders fairly quickly and coming to a halt, Kensaki moving to stand beside Shin. Dim as it was, the soft glow of the slivered crescent moon was more than enough for Kensaki's honed senses to survey the field before them. He gestured toward the largest boulder in sight, a jagged monstrousity that neared ten paces at its widest point, as if aware that Shiden would register the movement even in the dark.

"I assume that will serve your purpose?" Without waiting for assent, Kensaki began to pick his way down to the field.

"Are you coming, Tenken?" It seemed Kensaki placed particular emphasis on the title, as if drawing attention to Shin's earlier attempt to hide it. His voice held a hint of mockery as he spoke over his shoulder. "Or has the journey given you time for your better judgement and sense of self-preservation to best your hubris?"

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:31 pm 
Almost Famous
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The walk, while short, was in silence and gave Shin time to reflect. His mind didn’t settle on anything in particular and was more like a revolving door of thoughts, mainly battles or techniques that he had seen. Those images played out in his head and he silently picked them apart, stances that were off or sword strikes that were unbalanced. He took it all and compared them to himself, Shin was by far his worst critique and he spent more time tearing apart his own flaws then anyone else, yet Shin knew that it was exactly that attention to detail that set him apart from those he had killed.

“Hmm?” Shins head picked up, eyes remaining closed as he tuned in on Kensaki. The man walked with the grace of a killer, the stroll out here was enough to see that. The corner of Shins mouth turned into a grin.

“Yes, that one will serve well.” Shin agreed, walking forward a few steps but staying a fair distance away, easily fifteen paces and to what would be Kensaki’s back side.

“Chi.” Shin stated flatly, ignoring Kensakis jab at him, and instead explaining something as if he were talking to a small child. “Is what binds us, you to I, to the rock and the very ground we stand on.” Shin knelt to the ground, placing his right hand palm down against it.

“One does not earn the title of the Tenken,” Shin put the same accent on the title that Kensaki did a moment ago. “,unless he is the best. I have never been bested in combat since I started my travels. I have no equal Gaka. So, please, do use this…power or technique, whatever it is that you do. I am anxious to learn.”

..strive to be like water....
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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:43 pm 
Belligerent Beaver
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A soft chuckle rippled through the darkness. "I'm glad you are anxious, but I'm afraid I will have to disappoint. While I'm sure you will learn many things in the next minutes, I believe I can guarantee that my technique will not be among them."

Kensaki had not turned back to face Shin as he spoke, continuing to walk toward the boulder. With his back to Shin, it would be difficult for the man to see what happened, but it seemed that Kensaki reached into his robes. A sharp metallic sound rang through the still night air, soon followed by an incredibly strange keening noise that quickly escalated in volume until it dominated the field with its presence. It soon became clear that it was actually comprised of two distinct competing, yet harmonic hums, one seeming to sink down through the scale until it vibrated with an unnatural bass tone even as the other rose in pitch to supernatural heights. The effect would be incredibly uncomfortable, even painful to those who heard it, and even someone with a will as strong as Shin's would have trouble resisting the urge to cover his ears, although it would do no good.

If the cacaphony bothered Kensaki, it did not show with his back turned, for he didn't seem to move. Just as it would become almost unbearable to hear, Kensaki leaned forward and appeared to extend his hand toward the boulder, and just as suddenly as it had arisen, the screechingly high pitched half of the keening disappeared. All that remained was the deep bass, oscillating slowly, but now accompanied by a deep, soft rumbling that seemed to emanate from the boulder itself.

Kensaki turned back to face Shin and walked back toward where he stood. To the Tenken's supernatural sight, it would now be clear that he held what appeared to be a ringing tuning fork, crafted from some jet black metal, in his left hand, his right withdrawing from is robes as if he had just replaced something. A slow smile played across his normally blank features as he came to a halt before Shin. Then, his eyes never leaving Shin, he reached with his right hand and stopped the ringing of the fork.


The moment the low hum was silenced, the rumbling from the boulder escalated until the very ground shook with its power. Large cracks and fissures appeared in the surface of the rock is if rent by the claws of some invisible monster; sand poured forth like blood as it seemed the boulder ground itself to dust. The structure of the boulder collapsed completely before the rumbling sound finally ceased, leaving only a pile of sand and assorted chunks of rock no bigger than a man's torso.

"So, Tenken, did you learn?" The wide smile on Kensaki's face contrasted sharply with his still cold eyes. Inside his head, a childish voice laughed hysterically with a malice that belonged to no natural born child. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, Kensaki wanted to join in.

“When angels are forced from heaven, they become devils.” Vicious

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 Post subject: Re: The Legacy (Past)(Private)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:12 pm 
Almost Famous
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Many things happened in that small amount of time, near all of them dealing with Kensaki and the boulder that was no more then sand. Shin stayed knelt through it all, even through the excruciating pain that not only rang his ears but shook the very core of his body, it grated his teeth and Shin thought for sure his ears would start bleeding.

But as quickly as the sound came it lessened and then stopped. The technique, while not one Shin had seen before was akin to something Shin had seen several years back. The sound brought forth memories of a fight, of a technique that had nearly killed Shin, though he would never admit such.

The movements of the fight were clear to him, he could recall every move in detail as it was one he relived over and over many nights after. Could it be the same person? Surely he was dead, destroyed by his own attack.

Shin stayed silent as Kensaki paced back towards him, eyes still closed and with one hand still on the ground. There was a decision to be made here and as the details of his opponent were being brought forth from the recess of his memory Shin found himself already speaking.

“I left you for dead.” He stated flatly, knowing full well that unattended the man should have died. Should of, the words were hollow in Shins mind as he thought them. How many times should of I died he wondered. Shin had beaten death on more then one occasion, was the man before him so different?

Shin tilted his head towards Kensaki and slightly to the side. “The sword… it is still forbidden by the Singing Palm is it not? Why carry one?”

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