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Warter, Elric

Moderator: Paroxysm

Warter, Elric

Postby InsaneDrako on Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:40 pm

Name: Elric Warter

Physical appearance

Age: 16
Sex: Male
Height: For now, 5'7''
Weight: 117 lbs
Eye color: Olive-green
Hair color: Light brown
Magic: Obsidian - Earth
Body proportions: Mostly like any regular teen with his limbs out-of-proportion with the rest of his body, though with strong, lean arms and with the hands of one who works constantly in the fields. (Scarred and rough)


Before the tragedy, Elric was a cheerful, mature young man. He would love to play with the young ones of his clan and teach them how to tend the fields, hunt, etc. He would like to have a good laugh afterwards with the grown up and he was generally very good company. When he will feel at ease with someone, those traits will slowly appear.

Now, Elric is mostly quiet and keeps to himself. His laughter is polite and he doesn't say much in a conversation unless pressed to. He will not, however, be unpleasant or mean and will keep a polite demeanor most of the time. Although he can smile and appear happy, there is always a shadow in his eyes that one will notice if they stare at him. This will be prone to change as he ages.

Due to the incident, he keeps a mental scar that he is not completly aware of yet. He will suffer from dementia if certain conditions are met, where he will lose control of his powers. Although not very strong, he will harm his environment and his companions without meaning to. This is triggered if his friends are in danger, or if something he cares for is hurt, damaged or destroyed. With time, he will have more restrain.


Elric was born in a peaceful little village in the north, in a community where mostly everyone had powers related to the earth. (Earth, and water) They were all a close family, where everybody took care of eachother as if they were their own blood family. Elric had two little sisters, May and Julia, and live with his parents Carissa and Malk. Their days would consist of tending to the huge stretch of fields that the village owned, growing crops and raising animals. It was a simple life. Since it was so simple, the community didn't have too many ressources to offer the younglings as their training. Nobody had evidently too much power, or if they did show promise of it, nothing could be done. The villagers dealed with some bigger villages, but they were too far away and too poor to send their children away for education. None of them wished to, either. Children were precious, and too few, to spare.

Either was it luck, or lack of, Elric decided on a morning to go tend to the fields early due to some frost issues. He didn't want to lose the crops. It was a few hours later, while he was busy at work and far from the village (Of course), that the villagers encountered some strangers that were heading towards them. Carissa and a few other women of the village proceeded to greet the strangers, and the whole village came to offer their hospitality.

When the time to come home had come, the young boy couldn't help but notice how quiet it was as he headed back. Not a bird singing, not an animal in sight. It was only a few moments after that he realised why.

Elric stepped in just as the last villager was slaughtered in the distance.

The grass was red, there was not a house left standing intact. It was in these conditions that Elric found the bodies of his
family, mauled and missing several limbs. His two sisters, his Mother and Father. The boy stood hours sitting besides the
corpses before he started the long process of burying his family. His friends. His whole village. His body worked automatically, his mind absent. After the gruesome task was done, the boy sat besides the tombstones and waited.
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