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Chasing the Unknown (Open)

Moderators: Amethyst, Sage

Re: Chasing the Unknown (Open)

Postby Shin on Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:37 am

Davlamin wasn’t in any shape to continue the fight for any longer, his body was racked with pain from the crossbow bolts and even the small amount of movement caused harm. With the smaller man coming at him there was little he could do, other than bring another spell to mind. Which is exactly what Davlamin did.

The vast majority of Davlamins spells were aimed at defense or self improvement spells with only a handful for straight attacking, one of which he had already used. Bringing the words of a translocation spell to mind he whispered them quickly, holding the last syllable until the rapier struck out at him.

The magic, while slightly disorienting, was something Dav had come to expect. The spell wasn’t so great in that he could travel a vast distance, it was a battle spell meant for transportation around the battlefield…or to escape from.

Dav came to be to the left of and slightly behind the Katana wielding man, Tastol, after his leap backwards. A second spell coming to his lips as he reached out a hand to the more than likely oblivious man.

“I am an ally.” He whispered, and if allowed to touch Tastol would feel the effects of one of Davlamins more powerful spells, Haste. It’s effect was powerful, but simple in its idea. It would more than double Tastols reaction time, overall speed and perception it would be as if time slowed down for Tastol though that wasn’t entirely accurate, more like Tastol sped up.

The barbarian could see another figure coming at him out of the corner of his eye, a man moving at an impressive speed, yet there was plenty of time to react even as the mans sword came at him. Once again with impressive speed and agility Altas shifted his weight onto his left foot and leaped to the side, throwing his arm out wide and rolling his shoulder back to avoid the killing strike.

The leap and roll that followed were anything but graceful, but it had done the trick and surprisingly he had kept hold of his large weapon the entire time.

“More bugs to be squashed.” He said behind a fierce scowl, and realizing his predicament pulled forth a small green vial from the inside of his belt. “Feel my wrath…” He spat as he popped the top and swallowed it’s contents.

Meanwhile, the smaller man, having lost sight of his prey turned around and saw the events unfolding before him. Scowling he once again lifted his crossbow, loaded it, and aimed it at the back of the newest member to the fight, the ones back and right side he was facing, and the one that had nearly cleaved his bosses arm off. He didn’t fire yet, but he was prepared too, taking his time to get the shot he wanted, the killing shot.
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Re: Chasing the Unknown (Open)

Postby luciandevine on Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:52 am

Tastol's focus was completely on the large man in front of him. He'd watched the way the man had evaded the attack that had come from yet another stranger, this time from the side, but he was actually thankful for the brief reprieve. His gaze still burned a fiery red with determination though.

In the back of his mind, Tastol heard somebody talk, and it was only then that he chanced a look down, his blade still raised in hopes of defending against both his large opponent, and the one holding the crossbow. Tastol didn't even heard the words the man spoke, but didn't move away as the man lifted a hand to him, likely clutching for help. This was clearly the man the others had been stalking, evident from the crossbow bolts in his body.

With a slow shake of his head, Tastol focused anew on the opponents before him, almost forgetting about the man below him. He'd felt the man's touch, and heard the spoken words, but he knew not their meaning, and cast the thought of them out of his mind. Tastol was a student of both the Diamond Mind and Iron Heart schools, trained to focus inward and outwards, finding his own strengths from deep within, and his opponents weaknesses. With those thoughts in mind, and the man on the ground briefly forgotten, Tastol started to move.

Words didn't describe the feeling Tastol got as he moved, his feet pounding against the ground as he sought to close the distance between himself and the man holding the crossbow. His katana was up, and his mind was focused. The only question though, was what was taking the man so long? Tastol dared to dart ever so briefly towards the left side, towards the large man. Just as his toes touched the ground though, he pushed himself back towards the right, cutting in front of the man as he sought now to get beside him. Only then would his katana leave the safety of the center of his own body thrusting outwards now, aiming for the man's side, a thrust that would enter low on the man's body if it hit, lifting up to strike his heart.

Tastol knew not what was effecting the man, causing him to react slower than before, but his eyes and ears were alert as he focused on his precise movements and killing strike.
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Re: Chasing the Unknown (Open)

Postby Herald_of_Fate on Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:34 pm

Interesting...his speed is greater than one would expect of someone of his stature.

Eight stared at the barbarian with a half smile, his eyes seeming full of mirth. This gargantuan was just full of surprises, the newest of which seemed to be some vial. His nostrils flared, augmented senses constantly analysing the area around him. The scents of the sweat of those present was ignored; it told him little of use. The scent from the vial, however, was something else entirely. Though nothing he'd encountered before, it seemed quite similar to several anabolic compounds used by the Minister's forces to augment strength, speed, and battle focus. He couldn't be sure but he had to assume that this substance would have some beneficial effect on whoever imbued it. The move smacked of desperation, the actions of one suuddenly unsure of his chances. Perhaps he might turn tail if his companions were bested.

Though aware of the events unfolding behind him, Eight remained locked on the largest man.

"So are we ready for a real fight? Or is bullying kids and waylaying people the only skill you and your friends have?' Eight shouted, shifting into a more defensive stance. "Bugs?! The only insect I can seem to find is the oversized dung beetle before me. Gram...Shin Onibangetsumaru!"

The nodachi rippled for a moment as Eight launched himself forward, as soon as the last syllable of the command left his lips. The blade seemed to melt as he opened his combat posture mid-stride, lowering his left hand to allow the metal to flow into it. As he advanced, it became clear he meant to be right in Atla's face for his next attack. The once singular sword split into two and, as he closed, he aimed a a pair of crossing slashes at the large man's chest. That, however, was only a fraction of the attack's true potential. The pair of longswords grew longer and longer, and then with a barely audible snick, expanded. They grew, coiled, and undulated, revealing what they truly were, a pair of chainswords, sharp as razors, the harmonium blades whistling so fast, they issued an aubible hum. The length and number of cutting coils seemed to grow as Eight grew closer. The attack itself was a puzzle, as with each passing second, the coild looped to cover more ground. Retreat was hardly an option, as the blade's movements had severely narrowed the open avenues of escape to the rear, sides, and overhead. And given the weapon's make-up, even a glancing blow would be sufficient to shatter bone and rupture tissues. Drawing the weapons back, the Legionnaire closed the net of blades, nearly completely closing all ways of evasion. He had the feeling that he'd better end this early, before the barbarian became more of an issue.
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