by Nayt on Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:57 am
"He better," Akizetsumei replied as she folded her arms over her chest defiantly. "The jerk. If he's gonna go away for, like, two whole months, and he doesn't say goodbye, I'm gonna go find their secret camp and bonk him on the head. And I bet I could find it, too!"
"Aw, come on," Noah replied, talking with his hands, "He's your big brother. I can't see him just ditching you like that."
"He would. I know he would," Akizets replied.
"How do you figure?" Noah humored her.
Akizets replied with a firm nod of her head. "'Cause he's the biggest jerk ever."
Maya held her tongue. Were it anyone but Akizetsumei, she'd have made it a point to correct them about Toushikyo's behavior--but Akizetsumei was his family. That wasn't to say that she was correct, and that Toushikyo was, in fact, a jerk, but Maya wasn't about to disagree with anyone from Toushikyo's family. Not only was it in poor taste, but it also might've spawned some undue tension . . .
". . . you're as welcoming as ever, Akizetsumei," a familiar voice remarked next to their group.
And in a flash, all eyes were to the immediate right, where stood Toushikyo, arms folded over his chest, militia-issued winter hat upon his head, and a thick dark-maroon uniform upon his frame, making his scrawny body look moderately larger than it really was. He also appeared to be carrying his personal sword at his hip, the sheath itself being wrapped in warm cloth to keep the blade from getting so cold it couldn't be drawn. He had that problem once before, a couple of winters ago.