by Sage on Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:48 am
They touched down on one of the lower tiers of the massive treetop city, so as to access the shops first, before their final destination. Great suspended walkways hung between platforms affixed to the trees hundreds of feet off the ground. The entire city hung in the air, a great bustling hub of commerce and information. Toward the center of the city, the walkways were thicker, more solid. There were areas, even in the lower areas where cobblestone walkways slithered between the various buildings, creating the illusion that they were in a city like any other.
But upon rounding a corner, one could easily find a ledge or bridge that revealed the bottomless drops that existed between structures. Buildings were built next to, and on top of each other. Several times, while shopping, they walked into one building and exited another, on an entirely different street and level of the city. At the outer fringes, and above and below the edges of the city, there were crow's nest-like structures were lightly armored elves and drow stood watch with bows and arrows, protecting the city from the ground and from the air.
Among the treats Claire delighted in, she would notice that there was very little meat to be found in Darkwatch. The elves were vegetarian, and as they were responsible for most of the goods that came into the city, it was not uncommon to go without seeing any sort of cooked animal in Darkwatch for days at a time. In it's place, however, were amazing culinary creations. The most popular snack being an ambrosia-like dish served chilled with various roots, berries, seeds, and nuts, on beds of various types of greens.
" You need new gear, to be certain. And while ordinarily I would agree that frilly garments were not necessary to survival, you should...look nice, for dinner tonight. The first part of your surprise is waiting at the tippy-top of Darkwatch, " Xavier pointed a finger skyward, through the twisting branches and looming structures. ", try not to be difficult? "
Not all of the shops in the city were owned and operated by elves, though they were the dominant force. Nearly all of the actual military occupying the stronghold had pointy-ears, but there were humans from the capital that acted as their support, moving under their direction. A great deal of the positions of power within the city were controlled by Elves as well, save for the very top of the food chain. Darkwatch's leader was a human, or at the very least, more human than elf. Jokes had been made that he was the least Elvish looking person alive, despite his rich heritage going back to the Treespeakers.
His name was Darius, and he was a man of incredible stature, as menacing as he was bald. His totem was the Leviathan, a giant serpentine creature, reminiscent of a dragon. In fact, he was partnered with such a beast, and it was for this reason that he was so well-accepted by the Elvish community. It had come from the sea almost a hundred years ago, threatening the way of the nomadic Elves, indeed it was the very reason for Darkwatch's construction. Darius alone was able to defeat the creature, and even more amazingly, befriend it.
It lived in the forest now, a legendary creature that watched over it's people. Many worshiped it as a God, others feared it, like a monster. No matter people's opinion of the creature, everyone had Darius' respect and loyalty while it lived and breathed. Even still, without the Leviathan, few dared to oppose Darius and his Gavel, a gigantic dual-headed greathammer the man wielded with ease. Darius was an old friend of Xavier's, and it was his palace at the highest point above the heart of Darkwatch that the Saint had business.
Xavier and Claire had walked into the shadier establishments, owned by a dark elf who gave them a bitter stare as they walked in, that the ex-soldier made his first selection. He had spotted an item of the fine quality he had been searching for, a dragonhide leather bandolier. It had the perfect mix of form and function, with an over-the-shoulder section which terminated into a belt. He suspected it would be resistant to her fiery powers, while also durable enough to endure slotting knives in and out of it without tearing or cutting the material through overuse in combat, or otherwise.
He held the thing up to her briefly, judging it's size. It was a perfect match to her body, if a little loose. It was fortuitous that elves' were so meager in size and stature, as it had clearly been made for one of their kind. The surface of the bandolier was littered in braces where knives could be slotted in, a hint toward what else Xavier had in mind to buy for her. They would get to her dressy clothes once he was done acquiring her new gear for combat, training, and travel. But for the moment, Xavier was ecstatic to have found such a rare piece at such a reasonable price.
" Do you like it? " He restrained himself from impulse-purchasing the item before he got her opinion, but he would be wholly disappointed if he had to put it back on the shelf. " It can be disassembled, so you can wear just the belt, when it's pertinent. "