The very last thing that Kurohara Yuudai had expected on his way in from the garden was to have to dodge some bright eyed, coltish young girl with a knife; and it had been done with so little fuss that it took the girl a few seconds to figure out what had happened, before she could continue on to complete her task.
Yuudai craned his neck until it cracked with a series of satisfying pops, and then he set both his hands at the small of his back until it gave a series of cracking sounds as well. He would never admit it out loud, but he was getting a tad bit too old to be playing his games.
“Did you see that?” He asked, amused. “She wanted my blood; you could see it in her eyes. A dozen more like her in the war and we’d have had them running two years sooner.”
Kurohara Yuudai was dressed very much like any other who shared his status and station, but there was a key difference: It all looked wrong on him, unnatural and ill-fitting. He had terrible posture, and even the way he carried himself was odd, somehow anxious, like a caged tiger pacing back and forth, remembering its time in the jungle, the freedom, and the thrill of the hunt.
When he was younger, Yuudai had imagined a military career for himself, and, for a while, at least, it had looked like that was exactly where he was going to end up. He had fought in the rebellion and had even made a considerable number of people happy, and it had seen him quite a few promotions, along with influence, renown, and respect.
And now? He was Head of the Family, and he hated it.
Yuudai was just about to settle agura-style atop a cushion, which would have been terribly informal, admittedly, but he stopped as he noticed his mother, Miyuki, was not present.
He sighed, loudly. He could forgive her excitement, but she really could have done with some rest instead. Where was she, even?
Deciding his mother had lived seventy years and could survive another five minutes, Yuudai finally sat down, and then looked toward Mizuki: “Tea.” He said in a way that could not be confused for a request.
Being Head of the Family did have its benefits.
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