Name: Varian
Race: ???
Status: Alive?
Skin Color: Grey
Eye Color: Black, yellow
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 86lbs
Age: ???
∙Powers and Abilities∙
Shapeshifting: Perhaps Varian's only natural ability, it is capable of altering its mass and density to incredible levels, and may also rearrange its genetic and cellular structure at whim. Although Varian can change into just about anything or anyone, it must always return to its Prime form before changing again.
∙Statistical Analysis∙
Strength - Speed - Stamina - Intelligence - Fighting skill - Special ability - | ■□■□■□■ ■□■□■□■ ■□■□■□■ ■□■□■□■ ■□■□■□■ ■□■□■□■ |