Age: Appears to be in his early twenties
Race: Angel
Sex: Male
Height: 5ft 6in.
Weight: 140 lbs
Birthplace: ???
Occupation: Freelancer looking for work
Status: Alive, then dead, now back again

Eye color: Silver embedded with neon blue specks
Hair color: White
Skin tone: Pale
Physique: Small build
General Hygiene: Well groomed, nice smelling most of the time
Demeanor: He normaly wears a smile on his face, the gentle sort that inspires calm and warm feelings. He does experience the full range of human emotions, though rarely does he expresses sadness, or depression in public. He can be stubborn, setting his mind to something and not wanting to stop until it's through. He also enjoys a good fight, not necessarily putting his life on the line but combat does give him quite a rush. He tries to be nice to most people he meets, though often times he puts on a facade, hesitant to let people get to close emotionaly
He died, he's not sure exactly how he died at this point even, only that it happened and he ended up in heaven. To most that would have been the end, enjoying themselves in paradise for the rest of eternity. Paradise wasn't such a happy place for this one though. He found it lacking in the pleasures he had once had on earth, he was unable to connect with the other souls, this paradise was a prison. Nothing compared to the fires of hell he was sure of that but a prison none the less. His luck changed one day upon meeting a man named Warheight who offered him a second chance. They went to retrieve his body from Hell and then a man named Sobiadin dropped him and a man named Xavier back into their world, in the skies above Algeroth, thankfully Xavier can fly.
Mann - Fell in love with her before he died
Sage Warheight - Gave him his second chance
Sobiadin - Sent him back
Xavier- Saved him from smashing into the ground and was sent back with him.
His memories are to muddled to be certain of who else he has met.
.:Battle Information:.
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon: Black bladed bastard sword from Oblivion
Last ditch Weapon: Long knife
Head: None
Torso: A white coat and a white sleeveless shirt/Oblivion robe (greatly resembles a Gartel)
Right arm: None
Left arm: None
Hands: Gloves with metal plating in the knuckles, back of the hand, and lower portions of the palm.
Under Garments: Boxers
Legs:Black, wide legged pants.
Feet: Black sandals
???: Uses a unique sword style somewhere between fencing and kendo, with some more original content thrown in.
Dual wielding: Proficient in using two swords at once
Geomancy: Uses mostly minor elemental magics in conjunction with his swords.
Brawling:Headbuts, punches, kicks, submission holds, anything to make someone else hurt bad enough to stop hurting him.
Tied to Sobiadin: Before sending him back Sobiadin tied Kataroe's left arm to him.
Unstable: Prone to explosive bouts of violence, physical and magical.
Broken memories: Dying took a toll on many of his memories and recieving a new body only made it worse. He has few memories left of his past life, only a few of the strong ones stuck. As a result he will suffer from frequent flashbacks, unsure whether they are real or just something he made up.