by Baleron87 on Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:58 pm
Baleron had only just managed to do the clasp up correctly before he was enveloped in Eroina's close embrace, He had hoped that he could finish quickly enough to escape the awkward stance he was in and return to a standing position in order to give his final farewells and let the other guests present their gifts to her, but the gentle hug came far too quickly for him to move away at all without seeming rude. Instead, a feeling that he hadn't felt since last seeing Caela unexpectedly popped up, and he let his arms encircle the girl, carefully hugging her for fear of tearing a stitch by accident. Even though it was with a complete stranger, and such an odd girl at that, he couldn't help but feel at peace with the closeness of it all. He partially blamed the air of the place, as a quiet but deep hunger for the longing of human flesh had been with him since arriving. He hoped he would not be drawn into a place where that hunger could be satiated, lest he fall into the whims of lust.
During their long hug, he noticed something even stranger about the young girl in front of him. As warm as her skin and touch seemed to be, no pulse radiated from her. His eyes closed as he concentrated on even the weakest of heartbeats, but he was rewarded with no such feeling. His own abilities had imparted to him that the girl had no circulatory system at all, and that if she did have blood coursing through any veins, he was unable to affect it in the same way he would be normally be able to affect blood. A creature that didn't have such a thing confounded and terrified him, for it meant that there was really someone in the world whom he had no control over. He wondered how any person could be considered living without a heart, and at that point he desperately wanted to know more about this girl who, in terms of how he thought of life, didn't exist.
Baleron was the first to break from the embrace, and he stepped back, bowing at the waist like he had when first introducing himself. His eyes stayed on hers for the longest time before he finally smiled. "There is another present I'd like to give to you, although perhaps not at this very moment. I imagine that you've not heard a lot of stories of the world before The End occured. Perhaps at a later time, I could be persuaded to tell you a few of my war stories from back when Xexoria was the peaceful and beautiful place I remember. I imagine the other guests want to give their gifts, but I'm sure to be around for a while longer, so you can try and get my attention then, if you like." He smiled, and turned to walk away before inclining his head back to her, a playful and happy grin stretched across his lips. "Have a happy re-birthday, princess. See ya later."
He continued off of the raised platform where the throne stood after his farewells, moving back down into the crowd and stepping through the throngs of people. He was somewhat unsure of what to do next in this grand place. He idly looked around the large room, hoping to catch a glimpse of his missing queen, but he didn't keep his hopes up, either. It was such a long shot that she would come here at all, and since he wanted to let the aura of the island envelop him, he didn't want to remain in a pessimistic mood if he could help it. Unfortunately, a break in the crowd showed to him the noble from before, and he met the man's gaze, his smile slipping away back behind his mask as he slid it back down over his face. Somewhat curious, but mostly wishing to tie up any loose ends here before moving on to explore, he walked calmly and quietly over to the noble, giving a slight incline of the head to him. "So... You wanted to speak to me?"