...soon, brat. You will learn soon enough.
Ayenee: Ayen City 2010--reality I9X|0L
There were those who would have disagreed with his presence in this realm, but there were whose who had disagreed with his presence no matter where he happened to be. Such was the way of the world, and such was his life. The pendant chained to his person and tucked away within the confines of his clothing served to prevent others from ostracizing him based upon his appearance, something that was common in this realm. Thus, if he wished to lead a life of solitude it was of his own volition and not something chosen for him by a few narrow minded individuals.
The speeding train beneath him might not have existed for all the attention Forgotten paid it. He sat, legs curled beneath his form, atop the enormous speeding bullet, yet nothing of his person reflected this. His clothing remained pressed and immobile and the grey locks of his hair that rested across his brow behaved contrary to what was normal. Barely a movement on his part and the dark clad man was hovering to the ground, hands tucked into the pockets of his coat, a nonchalant gaze peering out at the city that surrounded him. Leaping through space and time was off limits and an easy way to find one’s self hurled into a celestial prison if one popped into the wrong area. However, in this matter, Forgotten was blameless for once. While it was no secret that he had caused his fair share of trouble and turned his eye to a fair share of the laws, Forgotten had been hurled here by someone else.
Precisely who would have pulled The Forgotten One from his machinations was beyond the Daichon, but he doubted he would like the reasoning behind it. Sword breaker at the ready, Forgotten made his way towards a massive courtyard across the road, preferring the open space and benches over the closed in walkways that moved alongside the roads. A smooth, effortless, gait carried him there where the gaunt individual would sit content to blend into his surroundings until the progenitor of his predicament appeared.
“I’m less than amused. “