Artist unknown. | . . . . Physical Information Species — Human. Race — "Oriental." Sex — ♂ Skin color — Extremely fair. Eye color — Blue. Height — 5'6''. Weight — 136lbs. Visible age — 15. True age — 16. Voice — Light, quiet; alto. . . . . Personae Name — Reiji Hikane. Status — Alive Birthplace — Akinai, Cizok. Nationality — Cizokian. Demeanor — Quiet, meek, and naive, Reiji Hikane is a self-sheltered youth. Although it is possible that he has had friends in his life, potentially even close friends, it is unlikely that he was ever brought to talk amongst them in much excess. In everything he does, Reiji generally means the best for as many people as possible, but as a teenage boy, he does have a nagging voice of vice in the back of his mind. Sometimes, he might go so far as to try and talk to someone of interest in excess, likely to wind up acting awkwardly (and unknowingly) aggressive, likely to have a thousand and one regrets the following day. Despite meaning well, his naivety allows him a heightened hope for mankind, and he is capable of both turning a blind eye to the evils of man and doing evil while believing that he is doing the best for many a person. |
. . . . Contacts
None, yet.
. . . . Talents
Special power(s) — None, so far.
Fighting skill — Kendo; decently trained. Reiji can match a young adult in the ability to physically damage another human being, but a physically fit grown man might give him a run for his money.
. . . . Statistical Analysis
Strength — Speed — Vitality — Intelligence — Fighting skill — Special ability — | ■■□□□□□ ■■□□□□□ ■■■■□□□ ■■■□□□□ ■■□□□□□ ■□□□□□□ |