by Nayt on Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:50 am
Mandaz: Manny trusted Daniel on most things. Even though Daniel was hardly right, he still had all the confidence of a man who new what he was doing. He was as good of a role model as any that Manny had, so the younger boy stuck by his side through every bad decision that Daniel ever made. But yes, this was actually their room. Manny leaned into Daniel with a bit of woozy apprehension, waiting for him to take the lead. His head was spinning a little more each second, what with all the excitement of the hunt for their room and the poison running through him. Drooping eyes looked through his wild mess of hair to the inviting bed, oh so inviting.
“I dunno how much longer I can stand” he admitted, mostly to himself, but loud enough so Daniel could hear.
Nathan K.: "A'roigh'," Daniel huffed in reply.
Truth be told, all the excitement had gotten to him, too. He was somewhere on the line of belligerence, not quite there, but close enough. The trip up the stairs was pretty sobering, too. But not quite enough. After it all, he kind of wanted to lay down, too. But he knew he was going to stand just fine without anyone else helping him. He wanted to lay down for the sake of laying down, not because he didn't feel comfortable on his own two feet anymore.
"C'mon, oI'll help you there," Daniel offered his arm to Manny.
If accepted, he'd wrap his arm around Manny's waist and walk with him slowly, oddly mindful of how frail his fellow teen was, but also of how much strength he needed to keep Manny up and pressed against his side.
Holding him up and against him with too much strength would just hurt, and make it impossible for Manny to walk, but too little strength and he'd just slump over if he lost the power to walk entirely!
Mandaz: The younger boy was surprisingly more resilient than his fragile body made him seem. Manny was a quiet, secretive kid who never really let on much about his past or who he was. It would be fairly simple to assume he was just a wandering homeless child, and thankfully Daniel never questioned that. Everett may have had her doubts, but she had many more important things on her mind then to worry about what Manny might have suffered in his past.
He clutched to Daniel’s arm while he wobbled to keep his balance. Manny’s smaller fingers punctured holes in his friend’s shirt. Not on purpose, of course. It had just been a while since the boy had nervously chewed at his nails, and the tough ends of his fingers grew jagged over time. He didn’t mind that Daniel held him close; it was actually pretty relieving to have someone to care about his well being. Alien, but relieving. Manny’s hands moved from around Daniel’s arms to around his waist, interlocking once they met to hold on to him tightly. The journey was not long or treacherous by any means, but he didn’t want this feeling of comfort to escape him.
Nathan K.: Daniel didn't notice any problems with his shirt; the cuts in it Manny was creating was all but lost on Daniel's drunken mind. He might notice later, but not right now. He probably wouldn't care later, either.
"Up you go," Daniel uttered as soon as they were by the bedside.
Manny may have been surprisingly resiliant, but he was also extremely light. It didn't take Daniel much effort to pick up him and set him upon the bed. Hell, even back before Daniel got physically stronger over time of traveling he'd have probably been able to pick Manny up without much trouble.
It was only after this that Daniel experienced a bit of a predicament. He still stood by Manny's side of the bed, but thought for a long moment of where to go next. Should he crawl into bed with Manny like he'd been doing for . . . what was it, weeks? Months? He didn't really keep track. But still, options, options. If he crawled into Everett's bed, then she'd have no choice but to share a bed with him!
Or . . . maybe she'd just share a bed with Manny instead. Daniel wouldn't have blamed her if she did. He was pretty cute, for a dude and all.
So he stood there, thinking, not quite knowing where to go from here . . .
Mandaz: His clinginess was disrupted by his sudden take-off into the air. Arms that once clung to his friend’s waist so tightly now reached for his neck with equal urgency. By the time he had a firm grip around Daniel’s neck he had been released to fall onto the soft sheets below. However, Manny was sluggish, and did not give Daniel the opportunity to allow him to let go, the force of the smaller boy’s weight dropping would be enough to bring his friend down with him. Unless Daniel was strong enough to boast that he could wear Manny around like a necklace, but in this state of mind that was a challenge that probably would not be met. They would clash, but the younger boy’s head would be off in other places, caught between Daniel and a soft place, with no sense or reason to let go.
Nathan K.: Well, Daniel's mental question--whether he'd sleep in Everett's bed or Manny's bed--was answered rather quickly, and not even by him. He wasn't disappointed, just a bit caught off guard, that was all. He sunk down with Manny and by the time he realized it, his face was planted into Manny's pillow, their heads right next to one another.
Incidentally, he didn't think too strangely of this, either.
Guess this is where I'm sleeping tonight.
Without any verbal warning, Daniel tried to crawl into bed--but Manny was still clinging to him. That made things a bit tedious. He had to crawl over his friend, essentially. Slowly but surely, he tried--and unless there were any problems, he'd succeed. But it'd be awkward. Not uncomfortable. Just awkward. Daniel lifted one leg first, but it'd wind up interlocking with Manny's. Balanced with his hands on the bed, he tried to slide his way over Manny, trying to avoid just outright crashing on top of him, but clumsily so.
Though drunk, Daniel was still strong; he could do this much so long as he wasn't presented with a powerful force pulling back on him. But he was clumsy--there was a fair chance that the process of tangling himself up whilst sliding over and laying on his back might bring someone else along with him . . .
Mandaz: “oh…I’m sorry.” He mumbled, though the sounds that left his mouth sounded nothing like the words he wanted.
Manny hadn’t realized he was making things so difficult for Daniel, or that he was still holding on to him at all. He slowly slid his arms off of his friend to allow him more space to move around as he pleased. His arms felt heavy anyway, but now without something to hold they felt empty. Not just because they were actually empty in the physical sense, but he felt a cold loneliness without having that clinging comfort, no matter how brief. Perhaps when Daniel got comfortable Manny would through his arm around him while they slept. Just to have something to hold on to. There weren’t any extra pillows to clutch, and he wouldn’t mean any harm in it.
Usually the boy kept quiet and still at night, but with the throbbing in his head he could only think of loneliness, and how he did not want to find himself back in such a situation. He waited patiently for Daniel to settle in, though he was deathly nervous on the inside. What if Daniel left? Or never came back? What if he was alone when he woke up in the morning, abandoned by Everett and Daniel? What if this was the last time he’d share a bed with someone? Or sleep in a bed at all? Why where all these thoughts of paranoia creeping up on him when he had previously been feeling so lightheaded and happy? It made him whine a little, becoming frustrated with Daniel’s moving about. Couldn’t he just stay still? With him?
Nathan K.: Daniel settled on his back after a moment of rustling about. He didn't like to toss and turn in bed, and often tried to avoid the whole mess--especially now. But sometimes it couldn't be helped. You laid down, but there was a knot somewhere in your back and you were laying right on that. Well, then you had to move, right? So, you'd move, find another knot, and all that jazz, until you found the softed spot on the bed, on the least pained part of your back. Only then could you settle down and relax.
That was Daniel's problem entirely.
He let out a sigh of relief once he found his comfort zone. It was great, this bed. At first, when he was trying to settle himself in, he thought the bed was terrible, and was beginning to wonder if Everett's bed was any better. But then it started to feel better with time--and now it felt pretty relaxing.
He wasn't too tired, though. That part kind of sucked. But that was usual for him. If he didn't drink until he passed out, he wasn't going to be tired. They were just here to potentially escape Everett if she came back.
Actually, where the hell was she?
Oh well. It didn't matter. They were in a pretty safe town, and she'd come back eventually. Hopefully they'd be asleep by then.